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05/13/11 4:10 PM

#22947 RE: tom8oes #22945

Leave what alone, Tom8oes? The vague implications that something was happening with this company? The "suggestion" that something might happen?

I said I was cynical, not bitter. There is a distict difference between the two.

Again, you have no idea who you are talking to, in regard to my level of "engagment" with this company.

You, of course, would not know that I have communicated with past and present principles of the company, including being fairly familiar with Harry Bagot, whom I met at the original FFI president's (and founder's) memorial service.

I am familiar with Drinkwater, Schwartz,and all of the rest. I have worked with Gator, Doc I, DocII, and others here off site via telephone to gather a large enogh block of shareholders to possibly exert some leverage to effect a change in the companies' direction.

I live in Bensalem, where Fairweather, claims to have had businesses, and have done extensive research on his background.

So please don't lecture me about invlovement, engagement or otherwise simply because I am no longer the cheerleader for this company that I once was. Look at the posts, they don't lie.

The only reason I stay in touch here is to continually remind myself of the mistake I made in believing this company would actually do what it said it was going to,once Rich Tierstein was no longer involved.