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05/05/11 12:42 PM

#287990 RE: austin01 #287985

Hey austin,

Can you tell me who posted that? I must have them on ignore as the original post is not showing up.


05/05/11 12:51 PM

#287997 RE: austin01 #287985

"if accurate" are the key words.

You really ought to know about the poster from Y! and their credibility before you tarnish your own re-quoting them.

Even that poster's history says "I'm not following this case" and is not a, IMHO, trusted long on Y!

I wouldn't put an iota of faith in a random posting from a questionable Y! poster.


05/05/11 2:48 PM

#288015 RE: austin01 #287985


Really, Really! LOL...I can't wait to meet you. As I do admire your unwavering belief in having Susman apart of this process and will be elated to see that after all the repetitive questions you have asked only focused on Susman's presence, you will get to see your dream come true in some way, shape form and fashion!

:). One things for sure your persistent even if its an unpopular and repetitive mantra\belief!