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04/28/11 10:44 AM

#601 RE: spongiformbobsqpants #600

I don't think road show timing is right until Xooma really gets going. Xooma right now is key because the blood work testimonials are verifiable; and they actually amount to the equivalent of a phase 1 trial. Also, Xooma will create the buzz that will be a key element in attracting stock players.

What stage the science will be at that time who knows, but I don't think it is going to take long for Xooma to start attracting a lot of attention and generate a lot of sales and data. Maybe the fall is the target for road shows.

But you are certainly on target in wanting Hepi to be generate more updates. The status of production, science, sales etc. all should be regularly updated.
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Amigo Mike

04/28/11 12:15 PM

#603 RE: spongiformbobsqpants #600


HEPI has been incredibly poor at keeping its investors informed as to its activity and progress on multiple fronts. The current stock price speaks directly to this. Buyers have dried up. Not surprising.

HEPI has given investors tiny snippets of information over the last several months but unless you really drill down on them and dig into it ..... the average joe would have no idea what is going on right now with the exception of Xooma rolling out the product .... and even then an investor would have to do much of the work to gather information on what is happening there. All that falls 100% on HEPI.

While I certainly don't want to see any "puff pieces" floated out there .... again ... it is a simple thing to keep investors informed. Could be as simple as keeping a progress report up to date on the company website showing key initiatives or tests and status.

As to Gorman doing a roadshow .... I'd rather Gorman be completing the move to the new HQ, keep Xooma happy and rolling with product, stay on top of the science and keep investors informed who already have their skin in the game .... you know .... a little investor relations activity.

Cultivating the investment community will be something I'm all for ..... when HEPI has more science data available and has it ducks lined up in a row.

That all being said, to start with ... if Xooma gets its sales rate up per month (even as small as 10,000 autoships per month) during its full launch of KX, that's a couple million in annual revenue for HEPI. Should easily make HEPI CF+ on an operating basis. The additional money could certainly be used to advance the science as needed. I don't think it is a stretch by any means to find 10,000 people in the 60 countries that Xooma does business that would be helped by using KX.

If the science comes through as anticipated with a discovery .... I'm expect far more than 10,000 would have an interest in getting and taking the product.

Amigo Mike