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04/28/11 8:49 AM

#93956 RE: Jeremiah #93954

is there any publicly traded co. out there
that hasn't done this .. highly .. highly doubtful

if the company in question has in the past performed any share repurchases and/or share retirements of that company's shares.


right .. so when for example
expo's mgmt publicly announced
shares bought back and then retired
it would be reflected in the OS given
by the TA when that paperwork was done

that process as evidenced by the time line
given in previous posts .. took over 6 months
in one instance

the last one i remember was the cert for less
that 3M shares (bought back and subsequently
ret'd) that was pr'd in fall 2009 and discussed
at length during the SM on 12/2/2009

my only point <since the co.s TA doesn't give out
float/free trading or restricted share info> is that
the only way anyone can even have any *clue* is by
contacting the TA and keeping a record of the daily
OS .. it's very clear since AS was first increased
by mgmt on 3/16/2010 .. that the OS would be changing
and it was worth <at least to me> to make the effort
each and every day to know when certs were cut

what matters to me now .. is who *some* of those certs
went to .. i have zero doubts locals who know the co.
best will show as beneficial on the forms .. when filed

i'm also really curious to see what kendrick shows in total too

all jmo