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Replies to #4326 on NIR Group
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04/22/11 5:16 PM

#4329 RE: pdgood #4326

Well it looks like ur gettin it big fella....ur a little slow, I must
admit, but you are finally getting there! I wrote what you just posted
about a month or so ago. NIR does is getting its just do. Ironically,
the whole cash drain, court thing, that it has repeated throughout the
years to sooo many is befalling them on a grand scale.

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04/22/11 6:57 PM

#4330 RE: pdgood #4326

Did Corey know throughout that he was lying and stealing?

He did have so-called independent auditors through yearend 07. But, it's foolish to think that the fraud didn't start until 08. So, does that mean that WTAS and Malcolm were complicit in the fraud? Should we investors be looking into suing them?

When I call NIR, they often remind me how smart Corey is. Their favorite line is "Corey is the smartest guy in the room." Was he smart enough to know that he was shafting his investors? (What he did to the companies is not my concern because it started with him handing our money over to them.) Was this like Madoff who knew he was committing a monstrous fraud but decided to enjoy the ride until it ended? Is that what Corey did? Or were the workings of his mind quite different? Do you think that maybe he convinced himself that the values he was claiming were legitamate? But, as soon as investors started asking for redemptions, and he knew he couldn't oblige them, he had to know that something was terribly wrong with his assessments. And remember, there weren't that many investors trying to redeem. It was only a handful. He couldn't redeem a small handful of investors out of hundreds. But even after that and as recently as December 31, 2010, he issued valuations to account holders that are mathematically impossible to be true since they are based on a portfolio of penny stocks, many of which aren't even trading, and many of which have been declared worthless.

So, what is the nature of this psychopathology? That's what I am trying to find out. Are we talking about evil as in sociopathic, Madoff-type evil? Or is this more a matter of self-delusion on the grandest scale? As far as I know, he is still living in a dream-world concerning the valuations. Or is he just pretending?