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05/03/05 11:29 PM

#79753 RE: trustcousa #79750


If the machine got shipped in February, when does the Federal Government pay for it? 30 60 90 days....when does Dell report it to Wave.....When does Wave report it on a CC?

TTT does not mean that we can't TANGO (Things Are Not Going On)

But as I've said now and then for six years... Sell or Dance to your sleeping point...One way or another this stock is a sleeper!

I'm gonna sleep okay.... I made my final decision months and months ago. It's the vacillating that is driving most folks nuts.

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05/03/05 11:39 PM

#79755 RE: trustcousa #79750

Trust....... why are you so upset all the time with this stock? Unless you are trading the stock what difference does it make whether the stock is at $.75 or $1.25. I will tell you the difference....... This is and always will be a looooooonnnnnngggggg stock. If it was a sure thing everybody would own it. The market eats people for breakfast who buy/sell on emotion. If this stock had already proved itself we would not be having this nightly conversation, rather we would be wondering at what point a "dip" would allow us to buy more and keep accumulating. Selling on down days and buying on strength............. That is what people do and that is what you are exhibiting. I absolutely don't mean to be critical but either keep the stock and be patient or sell and be done with you apparent misery as life is way to short............... I have several friends that I have influenced to buy this stock and they have had the same daily reaction as you do and I remind them that this is a long play and will not happen overnight. If it happened overnight everybody and I mean everybody would have done it already. Be true to your original convictions as to why you bought the stock and more times than not you will be rewarded.............
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05/03/05 11:57 PM

#79760 RE: trustcousa #79750


trustcousa, 50 mill in 05, mark1, gowave1, willem ect.
I hope each and every one of you has the guts to call on the next cc on May 10 and ask all your questions. I for one am tired of wading through your uninformed posts. If you don't understand what you'er invested in or can't wait for the business to develope. Please, for your sake and the rest of us, just sell and put your money in a mutual fund. I'm not trying to be hurtful here. Its just that this is a risky, very long term investment that demands incredible patience. It may take 1 to 3 more years for this investment to pan out.