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04/19/11 10:56 AM

#4285 RE: GoGo-KittyGrrl #4284

key is, revenues are growing sharply

For Q1 they are expected to do more revenue then they did for all of 2010, and the current Q2 they could do as much as $300k. This is a sharp increase in revenue growth quarter over quarter.

How do you know the company hasnt turned around and is now getting orders from new companies. You dont buy based on the past, you buy based on future expectations...that goes for pennystocks to Apple Computer.

Also, if you were an ex-employee you should be careful about gettin slapped with a liable/slander lawsuit. Ive seen it happen before back in the day. You seem to know alot about the inner working of the company then just having a 'freind' who worked there.

I have very close friends and dont know there specific work issues like you do. People get fired, companies go broke...has happened alot over the past 3 years. If you have some persoanl ax to grind with the CEO becuase you were an ex-employee id be not trying to bash or anything, just that i have seen that happen before where company slaps some ex-employee with a slander or liable lawsuit. Even if there is no case and you win you still have to end up going to court and stuff and can be a real headach.

Just saying you seem to have a personal issue with the company. If you has some critizism of the technology, or competition then you would have more of a leg to stand on. Just trying to help cause ive seen it happen before.

Oh, and if company is lying then its simple...'he goes to jail'. Under Sarban Oxley rules CEO's have to sign off of filings and news, and if they knowingly lie they go to prison. File a compliant with the SEC if you think they are lying...bashing in public like this could only get you in trouble on the personal level. Just a heads up!
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04/19/11 11:30 AM

#4291 RE: GoGo-KittyGrrl #4284

(Read Strategy) Educate yourself before posting trash on this site about the company read management strategy. They clearly explained their business what happened and what decisions were made and why. I like this management.

Our Strategy

EarthSearch, based in Atlanta, Georgia, has created the world’s first integration of RFID and GPS technology. EarthSearch is an international provider of supply chain management solutions offering real-time visibility in the supply chain with integrated RFID/GPS and other telemetry products. These solutions help businesses worldwide to increase asset management, provide safety and security, increase productivity, and deliver real-time visibility of the supply chain through automation.

We experienced a sudden reversal of our revenue growth in the 4th quarter of 2008 as the real estate market and global economy came to a halt. A significant number of our customers declared bankruptcy or defaulted on their account. New business opportunities ceased and our sales plummeted. These events forced us to take dramatic steps and business decisions that resulted in substantial reductions of revenue for the years 2009 and 2010.

Based on our internal research, the board and management made the decision to change the business focus and product portfolio. We concluded that simply offering GPS devices, which we believed would become a commodity, exposed the company and its shareholders to potential failure. We accelerated R&D operations and began the development of wireless communication between GPS and RFID devices. We shut down most of our commercial operations due to the economic conditions and expanded R&D.

Our internal research showed GPS solutions will become inadequate for business needs and the market would demand or require more sophisticated solutions for asset management, workforce optimization and security. RFID technology was growing at significant rate and a combination of both technologies was inevitable. Management seized the opportunity of the slow economy to develop the world’s first solution for continuous visibility of assets and become a global leader in offering such an integrated solution. We are also continuing to utilize the technology to provide other applications such as oil pipeline monitoring

We completed our product development in the first quarter of 2010, and began commercial beta tests in the summer of 2010. We officially launched our new business and product portfolio in 4th quarter of 2010. We immediately saw revenue growth as 60% of our 2010 revenue came in the 4th quarter of 2010. We expect to outperform our entire 2010 revenue levels in the 1st quarter of 2011 and we expect to continue to see significant increases in revenue throughout 2011. We are currently engaged in numerous pilot projects with several major organizations. We have also expanded our product offering into military logistics

As part of our growth strategy, we launched an aggressive sales network development program in the summer of 2010. As of the end of the 1st quarter 2011 we have more than 15 distribution partners in 5 geographic regions (Southeast, Asia, Africa, South and North America). We launched a new web site reflecting our new business, products and solutions. We will launch our first commercial ecommerce site in the 2nd quarter of 2011.

Part of our strategy is to implement a merger and acquisition plan as part of the 2011 growth strategy. We will focus on targeting those GPS firms with a concentration of clients with advanced supply chain solution needs. We will also seek joint venture opportunities where our technology will have significant impact on the success of the opportunities.

We project a return to significantly increased revenue and margins for our shareholders in 2011.