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04/19/11 10:31 AM

#55059 RE: icandoit #55058

How come the state of alaska took in fees for mining claims on this land?
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04/19/11 10:52 AM

#55060 RE: icandoit #55058

The environmental liberals always want something for nothing. They would be the first ones to complain ,and expect to be subsidized by everyone else,if they could not get the modern creature comforts these minerals provide.

Half the people pay no taxes and others like we posters who work hard for our money take care of them.
Their mentality is that they can have it all for nothing.

Like electricity they think it comes from thin air and the electric cars are clean,but do not realize that primarily coal is used to generate the electricity.

We cannot drill here but we will pay for foreign oil and NG and are driven by false hopes of solar and wind generated energy which is unfeasible.

They want us be like Europe and pay $7/gal.
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king yukon

04/19/11 11:05 AM

#55062 RE: icandoit #55058

The word was we get the decision in about 90 days! So what is the word,no news,about on average for LBSRers. We are used to the no news scene. So we LBSRers, postiulate most of the time and 85% of the time we hit homeruns. Not here. So I think that the HONORABLE JUDGE is considering why in all of "HELL" would HDI,NAK.PLP,have mining procedural claims(?)!/? So I postulate agin,either we get claims or we get really big SETTLEMENTS FROM the State of ALASKA. In one of my posts I reported how a very small company sued the "BLM" for denying the rights to use claimed properties. Without specifics exactly I can say that the STATE of ALASKA will need to put about $5.oos PER SHARE per holder for a "TORT"resolution. Think not,THINK agin,a denial of the right to MINE on the claims now has gone beyond the point of a "REASONABLE MAN TEST". That AK has allowed the expression of HDI to be in continuance without decision& is now considering the denial of FREE intercourse of commerce,which happens to be a CIVIL RIGHTS VIOLATION against not only HDI,but every shareholder of record in the "PEBBLE" Project. Think I am wrong,THINK AGIN. On that point I will have a personal army of LAWYERS at my side to sue the STATE of AK should they deny my free right of INTERCOURSE under the 5th ammendament of our CONSTITUTION. I WILL WIN! My attornies are on call: First I am dissposesed to invest in HDI because of "LAWSUITS,then I cannot invest because certain folks are selling fish,when the State of AK has already said, I can mine in AK via my investment in LBSR. CONCLUDE, the JUDGE is really in a PICKLE,twixt a rock and a very uncomfortable decision. Think I will contact my attorney! Think you know my attorney(?),think agin. PS: I would as soon take the settlement now as the proceeds from WALLSTREET.
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04/19/11 11:19 AM

#55064 RE: icandoit #55058

What's the matter 3 pennies isn't cheap enough! Please move on!
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04/19/11 11:33 AM

#55065 RE: icandoit #55058

Just the same old same old of a group of money backed individuals pressing forward on their mission - they keep the land all to themselves and the hell with the rest of the USA and investors.

It is simply stupid to stop a mining area that has this much promise.

A select number of wealthy land/lodge owners, an ex-governor who got tons of money somehow ???? and a well orchestrated group of tree-huggers who haven't got a clue how the economy nor the electric grid, nor the food provided to grocery stores, nor the idea of a growing population WORLD WIDE.

In short - all these people like to do is complain, it is the only thing that they are good at.

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65 Diesel

04/19/11 4:04 PM

#55074 RE: icandoit #55058

the anti-pebbles would have you think Mitsubishi pulled out due to environmental concerns, and not the lack of an off-take agreement for copper ore. Sometimes for a boost of confidence i like to re read the letters Sean Parnell and Lisa Murkowski wrote to the EPA, literally begging them not to scrap Pebble. i think the state has always wanted pebble, and in order to appease those who don't, would have to implicate themselves for violating their own Constitution. doesn't sound too likely to me. A good call by the judge would pull NAK out of it's stagger, and give a much needed shot of confidence for us, nak, fmm, etc. IMO
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04/19/11 6:17 PM

#55085 RE: icandoit #55058

Even in the case scenario of one third Pebble "minability", we should still value NAK @ 1/3 of $88/share (see prior post here on ihub for this 'take-out' price)...if we accept your estimate of 1/3 availability of inherent resources to underground access. LBSR is still WAY UNDERVALUED...'s really striking actually, we probably make our market cap from any one of our five/six properties ALONE. As HKipp noted, under $20M MC for us is ridiculousness cheap and attractive as a superb speculative penny-stock play.
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king yukon

04/19/11 10:32 PM

#55098 RE: icandoit #55058

I think it the STATE (ALASKAN POLITICIANS) want to get as much dirt covering this HOT POTATO as they can. Thinkin that they may be able to sabotage any previous commitments made to HDI/PLP. If they can caomflage a coverup by stageing all of this TREEHUGGER/GREEN/FISHLOVER CRAP on us we may cave in as defeatists. Take closer note, JHON FOLEY, RIO TINTO did not say at any meeting with them that they had a meeting of the minds, where did you get that IDEA FROM? These GREEN GUYS are telling all of the wrong stories to us now more than ever,its getting to be where I dont even know who I am posting too, its sounding like I got a direct connection to the MOOSE LODGE via IHUB! HELLO: TREE HUGGERS LODGE,hold please 1 minute Mr.SOCKEYE lover will be right with you,LOVE! OK thank you too,OPERATOR! Dont fall for their CRAPPIES its like falling into a swiming pool full of "OCTAPUSES"! AND THEY STINK!