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04/05/11 11:02 PM

#2086 RE: VortMax #2085

Cool story, bro

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04/05/11 11:04 PM

#2087 RE: VortMax #2085

Wow... I do believe I just felt all of the oxygen get sucked out of the room
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04/05/11 11:28 PM

#2089 RE: VortMax #2085

What happened to this sticky??? And why is it gone? Please re-sticky???:
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04/05/11 11:40 PM

#2090 RE: VortMax #2085

Nice post. I just stepped in today for a bounce after realizing the PPS had fallen down from .90 to .13. Been watching since just yesterday. Looks like VOXR is an attractive shell with a lot of interest from several suitors. Thanks for the DD breakdown! Think this is going up from here.
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Sharky Marky

04/06/11 12:10 AM

#2093 RE: VortMax #2085

Showme you said:

"As it is, it takes time, and the gold mine candidate is very real, yet there is no movement just yet. Will I see this process through to its completion? I don't know, maybe, maybe not. I bought a lot of shares in the 30s and 60s and down below .05."

I think it would be to your financial benefit to finish this up. Yea there's a lot of crap and effort involved, but we can make this work. Don't give up on this one. We and especially I do appreciate what you've done. I would like to help out, however, is there any guarantee Mr. Torkan will consider any other offers before hearing from Marine Exploration? Due to my time constraints and responsibilities I will do my best to help out. Anyone want to personally contact me, email me at, I am interested in conversing with the real investors in this that want to make this work. I'm motivated to make some money here for everyone; I do not want to squander this opportunity!
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04/06/11 1:06 AM

#2096 RE: VortMax #2085

SHOWME stay for awhile to help us getting back in the sadle please. future still bright
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04/06/11 12:15 PM

#2175 RE: VortMax #2085

And you still hold all your shares, right? LOL LOL, YEAH RIGHT!