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04/05/11 6:08 PM

#70226 RE: Haydro #70225

hell no you dont want the fins to show progress or to have dan sz back? lol jk he had a personal jet and a yacht tho, made millions on penny stocks. hope you took notes while u had the chance. hahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa. if he were here though he would still be saying "waiting for the KAAAAAAAABOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM TO DA MOON"
classic.... those were the good ol' days.

on a side note i dont think this time of year when the website isnt up. i like to be able to randomly go there and snoop for changes/etc. wheres our website hacker guy to get a previous of the new site?


04/06/11 8:06 AM

#70231 RE: Haydro #70225

LOL, Haydro you and dan had such a love to hate romance going.
I think you even dreamed of how to wack him somedays, Your blood would boil and he would just be dan.

On a side note i agree with your assesment of situation regarding dan. But you defently wear passionate for you dislike for his logic or lack of.