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03/21/11 1:23 PM

#27284 RE: ratobranco #27275

So you're trying to say that the most reliable document is going to be the one I acquire via illegal means? So I should trust the crook who stole the information?

There is an initiative to unify filings across Chinese agencies. Some companies are doing it now. However, due to data systems changes required on the provincial level, it's likely to be some time in 2014 before we see it in broad effect. Until then, its a mess.
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03/21/11 1:34 PM

#27287 RE: ratobranco #27275

Chimin Sang probably personally didn't forge the docs,
but I think Chimin Sang had an idea that what he was releasing wasn't legit.
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03/21/11 1:36 PM

#27289 RE: ratobranco #27275

Thats it Rato, more anecdotes?

Your argument, huh?? I recall a lot of people being very confident that Chimin Sang "forged" SAT Docs because of visual and legal evidence, namely:

1. SAT Docs are not available for the public, so does he have a spy in the PRC, please give evidence, not docs which had to be forged or illegaly obtained, no other answer period.

2. WCTBILLS showed visually stunning evidence of the forgery with dates, etc, including a constrant stream of visual evidence debunking every single factual claim from MW, especially concerning the license plates and his obvious forgery there.

If speaking of the obvious, so easily surmised and confirmed logically and legally, it is the standard belief by any sensible party that if a person has made one false statement, or has "dirty hands", especially muddied hands, than no Court should give any validity to any other statements they make. MW arguments were proven fradulent to me, thats all I care about.

And I'm not angry at the situation I'm in, with regard to all the arguments I posted earlier and prior and confirmed by many very bright investors, including Mike Koza with his $2million in, and of course Starr with his 40 year experience, though I would act different today with what I know now, I'm sure I wouldnt have acted differently before, the long arguements and DD were too compelling and logical, and the shorts too fradulent and virulent. We'll see what happens with your theories of the nature of the structure of these companies and filings with what happens to CSKI and ONP and the like. But please dont claim omniscience till this plays out, though I'm sure we're DOA with CCME and Managment actions.

There is I'm sure prevelant fraud with Corps and always will be, but my only anger came from your smug hindsighted brilliance. I in fact watched the stock for months and bought in only after MW attack, couldnt believe the price, then sold half on the initial surge to $15, but bought back in at $12.60. I hope the longs can stay in touch and help each other trade this to best get out, but would'ves could'ves and shouldve's should stop saying how flawed we were.

"Speaking of which, I recall a lot of people being very confident that Chimin Sang "forged" CCME's SAT documents. Many were proclaiming rather loudly, with weak evidence IMO.

Do you still think that Chimin Sang fabricated those documents? I don't."