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03/21/11 1:36 PM

#27288 RE: Remoteshots #27284

"So you're trying to say that the most reliable document is going to be the one I acquire via illegal means?"

In China, yes, absolutely. Why is this surprising to you?

Yes, you have to do work to get the truth. And yes you have to pay for it. I'm surprised that you would be surprised.

Unlike a company that wants you to believe in it's profitability, a source that you pay to acquire filings for you doesn't care what you think about the company. If they have the truth, they are going to want to give it to you, so that you develop trust in them and come back for more (rather than give you a fake number and embarass you when the truth does come out).

There is just as much money to be made from finding SAT-SEC matches in an RTO as there is to be made from from finding mismatches. Either result will make money, you just have to take the right side--long or short. In that sense, a source has no reason to try to tilt things to one direction or the other. A company obviously does.

Geoinvesting has pulled SAT filings on multiple companies from multiple trusted sources. For FIE's, all of the SAT filings have matched the SAIC filings to within very minor differences that can be explained in terms of differences b/t SAT and SAIC accounting treatments. Is that a random coincidence?

SAT filings for the same companies provided by different sources have also matched each other. So unless you think the "crooks" independently guessed the same numbers to fabricate, you can be pretty confident that you're on to something.

Finally, the tier 1 names pulled by these sources match SEC documents to within US-PRC GAAP differences. Is that just another random coincidence? Did the sources randomly decide to present the true SAT filings of TSL, but then present fake numbers for ZSTN? If you could find a mismatch in a positively-viewed tier 1 name like TSL, you would make a hell of a lot more money on the short side than you would by finding a mismatch in the already-shorted-to-oblivion piece of crap ZSTN.

Seriously. Wake up. Things are painfully obvious, yet people are still adamant about trying to find a way to prop up the other side. Just look at the matter clearly, without a financial agenda. Everything will start to make perfect sense.