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03/18/11 9:23 AM

#26671 RE: Traderfan #26668

Funnily enough in his resignation letter to the CEO, Jacky wished the company every success in the future. Not sure what he meant by that given the level of S£$T these guys appear to be in
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03/18/11 9:41 AM

#26680 RE: Traderfan #26668

Don't undersand why pharma guys are on the board.. 2 or 3 of them.. could be the Lin bros.. hmmm...

However, Dorothy's letter states that she and the independent directors tried to push through some initiatives, but the management blocked it....

well.. what do I know?
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03/18/11 10:37 AM

#26700 RE: Traderfan #26668

Career Suicides, Facebook app kicks in

There's more rampant speculation than on the yen today...but here's what strikes me.

1. Anyone who lends credence to Jacky resigning as evidence of his wanting to absolve himself seems patently absurd. First, if he did buy the shares his decision will wipe him out financially, and the timing of the purchase, 12-10 without a clue of 10-K issues? If he didnt purchase the shares then he was hand in hand with massive fraud and knew it all. Either way his decision to leave now as CFO with this timing days before 10K is career suicide. I'm sure he can get a job after this, not.

2. Dorothy resigns after a board meeting subsequent to Jacky leaving. BTW, considering her career, Financial Analyst resume Starr Senior Exec status how does she not know that the CFO falsified the share purchase,,,makes no sense as a miss by them, and seems suicide for Starr investment timing wise. Plus she purchased 25,000 shares 11-10? Say goodbye to protecting that. How does Starr benefit from her leaving? There has to be a massive blow up , it seems like cut and run. If she was in charge of this deal, career suicide.

3. Global Hunter Company/career suicide watch. Without any kind of reasonable risk/reward incentive, unless she's sleeping with Zheng, why would anyone with a brain and a prayer of a future insert themselves into China during the midst of such uncertainty, after the allegations, and not see all the red flags Rato says were apparent for any but the blind. She does her DD, throws up no warnings, and bye bye future, and GHS's future. Where was the upside to this? Reminds me of the joke with the girl accusing the guy of being a stupid drunk, he replies he'll be sober tomorrow but she'll still be ugly. "Tomorrow" we'll wake up and profit again, they'll always be ugly.