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03/17/11 2:17 PM

#1857 RE: pire #1856

That is why there is such confusion here.

maybe on your end, lol.

Never once did I call myself a dog! Show me where I did

you just did again, in this post i am replying to. "Kick the Dog and it barks or bites." who is the "dog" in this scenario, if it's not referring to yourself?

I gave the hoopla once, but since it seems that it has to be posted here again for all to see, I will!Here is what has not happened with BRAV as we were led to believe:
Khaos Store

khaos store was a change in plans, and a wise one at that. you may or may not believe it, but i firmly believe it was a good decision to get out of that deal when bravada did, before any more company time or money were put into that.

Canada Store

the new 2nd california store essentially IS the canada store, and canada is still on the table for the future by all accounts. right now he has chosen wisely to focus in one region right now to be able to share resources, inventory, staff, and streamline operations between stores.

TSX last year

we just had an update on uplisting, and while the company has considered multiple options, they've made it clear this is now a priority, and we will have a firm direction regarding this very near term.

Soon Financials

financials are due end of this month. they've had their hands busy opening up a brand new store. get over it.

PR's about PR's

what's wrong with that? sure did help to create alot of extra interest in BraVada, and moved the pps 800%, and is still sitting much higher than the lows seen before that forward looking pr. board marks remain way up from before that last runup too.

Store not opening as stated

untrue, 2nd brick and mortar store did open and is open.

No Grand Opening as stated
No, nada, zilch!

now you know as well as i do that is not true, and the grand opening is happening, it has been rescheduled.

more Sophisticated, or the other names he calls us

"sophisticated investor" is an actual investment term used to describe an institutional class of investor (check, something bravada is very interested in attracting. in no way was that a "name" calling term. this has been pointed out to you several times.