Question on entry point............
Still the question and still no verdict from my side. I have yet to personally contact the company and fully intend on doing so.
I found and continue to have interest here, just not time to ferret out the necessary answers yet. Of course, that is assuming that I can establish contact with CoroWare and gain anything of value for us. I'll try to get time to send some communication this evening or at least by tomorrow so as to get the ball rolling.
In any case, and just for the record as I trust that you get it, any conclusion I come too may not necessarily be correct as there are no guarantees nor am I qualified to advise anyone on investment. But I pursue what truth may be available about company solvency and the possibility of a solid business platform going forward.
Hopefully more folks will come back to this board and offer up opinions and information to assist us. Gaining some regular posters will do a lot to grow a following and from those dialogs there often time emerges good information.
Soon enough we should know something either from this board or news and/or the charts or maybe in some feedback from the company. This will remain a relentless pursuit until we come to some shared perspectives on reality here. Up to that point may only be speculation at this time. It's the adventure, the journey!
Presently I find certain amusement in a morning trade of 26k and the recent near EOD of 50k as these are small trades apparently or at least appearing to hold the charts at 0.0008. Whatever, everyone has to make their own best call. I'm not the answer here, just trying to do what I can. Don't ever expect a BUCKS BUNNY to pop up out of the hat until you see it. LOL
NOTE: All IMO with no intention of advising in regards to investment. Everybody has to do their own "DD" as you will most certainly pay your own way.