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03/14/11 10:06 PM

#10006 RE: Seann #10004

Ok, i am going to say this ONE more time. The MMs WERE NOT FILLING BUYS AT THE BID TODAY....I had multiple buys at different bid prices that sat all day unfilled, I still grabbed a few million more at the ASK no problem.

Why don't you understand this very basic concept. If the MMs arn't filling buys at the bid, and someone has "buys" set for the bid, why do you not understand why they were not getting filled....

I am not a MM, so I have no idea "why" the MMs out of no where decided to stop filling buy orders at the bid, just friday before close I bought another 1.5 million at the bid and it got filled within 1 or 2 min.

But there was nothing "tricky" going on, it was cut and dry, the MMs were not filling ANYONE at the bid today. This happens quite a bit with stocks. If you put in a buy order at anything other than the ask, you are "requesting" that they fill you at that price, it's completely up to them if they fill your order or not. Some days, and with some stocks, no one gets filled at the bid, other stocks, or other days, anyone can get filled at the bid, just depends on the stock/day/MM on the AX.

Most of the time when MMs stop filling buy orders on the bid, or inbetween the bid and the ask, and make investors buy at the ASK, they are trying to set up the stock to run. Something I have said many times through out the day. This is usually a great sign.....