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03/09/11 10:12 PM

#271 RE: plfminthemiddle #270

Facebook Killed the Google Star
Mar. 9 2011

Not long ago, Google (GOOG) was dismissed as just a fancy technology. Sure, it generated great results — and was fast. But could it make money? Well, of course, it did not take long for Google to unleash its power and become a cash machine.

Now it looks like Facebook is the the next Internet killer. And we are just seeing the early signs of how it will wield its awesome potential. For example, this week the company announced a deal with Warner Bros. to rent movies. The immediate result was for Netflix (NFLX) to see a drop in its stock.

But, ironically, the main victim is Google. “Until now, regular, bare-bones text-based keyword search has been the way most of us found things on the web,” said Suranga Chandratillake, who is the founder and CEO of blinkx.

But the future will mean that search will go through a transformation. That is, it will become more social and interactive. And with over 500 million users, Facebook is the destination for this.

Ok, what about the monetization? Facebook is still in the early stages but the cash should really start to pile up soon (hey, just in time for an IPO, huh?)

“Social search and discovery lets you find information or videos anyway, tapping into the experts in your own social network and beyond to uncover them in a way regular search simply cannot,” said Suranga. “This leads to better, less annoying, more relevant ads for the viewer and improved returns for the advertiser. This relevancy is crucial as, according to comScore, 89 million people in the United States are going to watch 1.2 billion videos today.”


03/09/11 11:17 PM

#272 RE: plfminthemiddle #270

plfm... have not heard of Autonomy before... looks interesting.

Hard to believe where BLNKF closed today! 1.65!!!!! Seems like only a short while back it was .50 or less! LOL

I've GOT to take the time to set up a portfolio in my Scottrade account plfm stocks so I can track your successes! Keep me from NOT letting things like Blinkx slip away when I had EARLY warning to look at it!

There is a pricey one I like the looks of... (EW) Edwards Lifesciences... closed just over 91 today. It's up almost 100% in the last year... but it could be very cheap at this price.

I understand its products are in widespread use on your side of the Atlantic... presumably in several EU countries (50% marketshare). It should soon have FDA approval for use here in the US.

Big Deal product is replacement heart valves that are surgically inplantable WITHOUT open heart surgery! Goes in via a catheter just like those used for stent implants!

In the past I liked ISRG (TWICE) at 90 (because I learned of it thru a high$$$ newsletter that usually arrives a little late in the game... like many newsletters) and twice it ran big: over 150 the first time & over 250 the second time! It has not been much below 200 since... closed today 330+.

I had hoped ARAY would do half as well and run to 100... but obviously the market does not like what the idiots in charge did BUYING out TOMO at 4.60!

IMO EW has the potential to go above 200... lots of elderly develop leaky aortic valves in 80s+ and docs won't operate open heart... leads to Congestive Heart Failure which is what indirectly killed my mom at 85. Heart pumps blood inefficiently so kidneys are not perfused and systemic failure sets in. EW should LOWER COSTS of valve replacement very significantly & treat many who are currently not treatable.

LOL... one day... when BLNKF, or LNGT, or JBII make me wealthier... I will subscribe to the $3k per year newsletter that is the stratosphere cousin of the one I now get! Then I'll hear about the ISRGs and the EWs when thay are 50! LMAO...

so far as I know... there is NO good letter for finding BLNKF type companies... no matter how much a person would be willing to pay! Just too many variables, liars, etc. ONLY digging in the trenches of pinkieland turn them up!