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03/06/11 10:22 AM

#95345 RE: GWMAN #95341

No JB does not have to hold the AGM at the same time every year .... and
in fact, this would be the worst time for him to hold it. Why? Because, from
all that we have been able to gather, he is working 7 days a week over 16 hours
"on average" .... FOR US. (himself of course as well).

There are very important advancements being made every day on a few fronts
that will set the course for JBII. We can only guess what these are .... but can be
quite certain they have to do with:

1. Perhaps a singularly powerful and influential JV that will help JB to realize the
vision that he has for North America and abroad. This kind of relationship, in
all of it's legalities and implications is "just not consummated overnight" .... because
it likely involves millions of dollars. And I think JB is going to need the large dollars if
he is going to make 10, 50, 100, 300 Processors in a relatively quick time.

2. The Fuel must be without reproach in it's perfection. We do not know if the
1,000,000 liter tank farm is full at this point; and, if it is .... we do not know how
long it takes to do the blending. We do know though ... that when that Diesel Fuel
does go out it MUST BE PERFECT. It will go into Tractors, buses, trains, ships, and
will be used in countless industrial applications. There is no room for error. Once
all of the systems are in place I think that each "Tank Farm" load will take less and
less time to make and perfect.

The above extremely important efforts and not consummated over a cup of coffee
or a couple long dinner parties; they take time. We are talking about a lot of money
and we are talking about perfection of the Product. I do not think that JB can call a
AGM until serious advancements are made on those two fronts. Maybe that might
be Thanksgiving Day .... IMO


03/06/11 10:43 AM

#95346 RE: GWMAN #95341

i know from naz based co.s
that they must hold their annual
within 12 months of their fy end


When must a company hold its annual shareholder meeting?

A company must hold its annual shareholder meeting no later than 12 months following the end of its fiscal year. Please note, however, that most companies hold their annual meeting within six months of their fiscal year-end.

all public co.s are required to hold annual meetings
but i suspect there is leeway given (flexibility) *here*
vs. say a naz or nyse *big board* co.

i just know as one who's regularly attended AGM/SMs' for
over a decade .. i was blown away last year when i heard
about the total no. of attendees to JBI's first ever AGM

all jmo