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03/05/11 7:19 PM

#13051 RE: franfurt #13050

Is it risky to hold on to PTSC ? Maybe ever so slightly but it is way more risky not to hold any . When this thing finally shoots up , it will be way more painful to be sitting on the sidelines just watching and not owning any .


03/06/11 12:35 AM

#13052 RE: franfurt #13050

franfurt--My reply on Agora to SGE1:

The first issue was about why the Pacer (Memorandum in Opposition 135) was posted 24 days late and the reason was simple because I missed that Pacer and RON brought it to my attention. I then posted it within 2-hours to the members on this board. Now you say, how can something so important be missed? First you have to understand how Pacer works. Every time you ask for documents on Pacer you are charged .08 cents a copy per page. Just the three cases in No. Calif cost me $1.28 just to look at the documents, and you add that to the actual documents up to three or four times a day this all adds up. In January, I decided to just look just once a day, around 5-PM to save costs. I’ve spent over $3700.00 on Pacers to date on this forum just to keep the members informed, including you. This particular Pacer (Memorandum in Opposition 135) was posted over the weekend, and that’s why I missed it because on Monday I just looked for that days posting only (Monday) Nothing was done for nefarious reasons, and was only to save and lower my costs. Now, I check the last two days on all Pacers, so I don’t miss any, but this will all be coming to a stop because it’s time someone else shares the cost. (Maybe you)


03/06/11 5:08 PM

#13063 RE: franfurt #13050

Franfurt et al who now have chosen to post your grievances here...

I don't read Agora , left that site when I realised what a waste of energy and time it was but I do read this board which apparently has now become a safe haven for ex Agora fans.Why, no one knows?

I think that as a group of stakeholders whether on Agora or I Hub we are darn lucky to have an investor who even takes the time to post those damn Pacers. And if people find his timing odd that is their problem if they were not posted at all many on this board and the other one would not have a clue as to WTH is going on with these proceedings.

Don't look a gift horse in the mouth is all I have to say about that.