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03/02/11 12:36 PM

#8195 RE: badge792 #8192

I love mjkiii's posts as much as anybody. His insight into local politics is greatly appreciated, but he's a pumper, not a malicious pumper, but he can't help his natural enthusiasm for a stock he is so deeply invested in.

However, It's good to check in with reality from time to time. Gold is moving parabolically and PTQ is looking to break under $1.10 not because its the greatest junior gold miner on the planet, but because there are still many serious questions that remain about their ability to deliver on the promise of 100,000 oz per annum.

When I see that often touted $7.50 number I chuckle. I'll be elated if we can hit $2.00 by year end. I will be content with 100% a year for the next 3 years. Call me conservative ;)

I backed out about 30,000 shares last week because I've lost confidence in the upcoming news that's "just around the corner". I hope mjkiii ends up being right, but even he has prefaced his predictions by saying he wouldn't be surprised to see .75 again. That's something that he and I can agree on.


03/02/11 1:00 PM

#8196 RE: badge792 #8192

I agree, but there are two trains of thought on that. One is that if anyone bases their investment decisions on unverifiable claims made by a relatively anonymous poster on an internet investment board, they're an idiot and deserve to get taken for a ride. The other is that fraud is never cool and should be handled with a firm hand. Given unverifiable claims can only be proven by time, it's always safe to err on the side of caution and assume that anything that can't be verified is mere speculation.

As moderator I have a responsibility to the board to keep the fluff to a minimum. I have no problem with speculation, if it's reasonable and declared as such. Sometimes things get boring and we just like to chat. Like today ... gold's riding high, half a million shares traded, and no movement. This is like watching paint dry.

Regarding your earlier post, I don't think any of us know why we've stagnated since NOV 2010. I figure it's because an 80K ozs junior producer that has yet to show a profit is probably worth about $1.20. If we demonstrate a profit on the Q3 (I give it 50/50 odds) and we're still stagnant, then I'll really wonder WTH if going on. Until, I wait and watch the paint dry.

Be sure to check out 1BP's valuations in the iBox. We should be headed higher when we get to the 100K ozs level and show a profit. 1BP suggests anywhere from $3 to $5, based on comparisons to other juniors. I think that's reasonable. Until then, we have yet to show a 25K ozs quarter, so we'll see.

PS - I will be astonished if we don't see a healthy profit on the Q4. Increased production, heap leaching, no debt ... seriously, if that doesn't do it I dunno what will. Unfortunately, as that's the end of the FY, we won't have those numbers until the end of August.