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02/16/11 3:23 AM

#2139682 RE: OTC_hub #2139557

CCTC .0379... This iz ur Wednesday MegaDD Update..
Major Promo/china deal play on High Alurt starting today...

Well, Fruntrunnerz,, it all systemz go for wutt cudd be tha BIGGIST MUNNYMAKING
play of the year,, with the most compelling story Ive seen
on the pinks in yearz,,, and it has gone xxxxactly akkording to plan so far since last weak..

CCTC iz now offishully out of tha under .035

/// L-O-A-D-I-N-G Z-O-N-E ///

The targit iz 5-15, but cudd go much higher as developments unfold the nexxxxt few days.. Dollarland iz not outta tha kwestshun,,

This iz tha REAL DEAL HOLYFIELD play,,,, and not an "ihub only" play,,

Furst, be sure to reed yesTURDayz update to bring Urself up to speed on the xxxxplosive situashun developing at CCTC:

It all comes down to... THE FINAL COUNTDOWN to 2/27!!!
Lets review the tea leaves as they sit on tha taybull, there are othrr factorz like CCTCz history of February runz, butt this iz tha basik story:

1. Last year, CCTC hired hi-powered Ex-enron exec with big munny institutional connections. Enron was staffed with "the smartest guys in the room", so this isn't your avg. Pinky ceo!

2. New Ceo signs MOU on 12/14/10 for a deal to be finalized
by 2/27/11 for a the first commercialization of CCTCs clean coal technology, and it's in the biggest venue of them all, China, with 1 new coal power plant going up every week!

You know Mr. Enron iz a Go-gettr by thinking BIG!!

This is probably the biggist REAL deal for a pink sheet stock in YEARS, and the clock is ticking...
The enron guy MUST PRODUCE a signed contract with a China Government official by 2/27/11,
ORRR.. he knows himself, the technology, AND the company are TOAST nnn will never be trusted again. His short-lived ceo career iz basikally ovrr. And, since he hasn't filed a form 4 to sell stock and git payd, all his money is gone too!

3. It's ALL on The Enron Guy to pull off... the Penny Stock Deal of the Century.. at CCTC!!
What a grate story, and depending on how things play out could make national and international Headlines...
CNBC, etc.

4. I bet he can. On 2/8/11, Enron-man hired a hi-powered IR krew that JUST got done with promo for a China IPO, and also a penny stokk promo,, now they are going to wurk for CCTC. So wutt duz thiz mean? Well for #1, the deal has gott to be megaHUGE,,, cuz last yearz $40millionz Feb. promo wuz dun all in house,, and #2 Enron guy is going to Take the story to the Wall street INSTITUTSHUNS.. Enron guy knowz he only has 1 shot, hez dropping the hammer down and if the nail drivez straight,, CCTC cudd be a 2-3$ stokk here within dayz,, tha potentshul iz THAT bigg!
See yesturdayz komp on NENE to see how itz dun!
With China government officials involved, you cudd see a 30-ft. tsunami of Yuanz flowing rite into this tiny penny stok...
Hedge funds and othrr instutionz will wann peace of tha aktshun too...

Not only cudd CCTC pull off tha deal of the century, since they are running Super-promo Alongside,
THATS wutt makes thiz an xxxxplosive situshun... Nope, this isn't your average Ihub play hear.
Can Mr. Enron PULL IT OFF the nexxxxt few dayz.. at CCTC???

Grabb ur seatz annd Hold on tite,, the Kurtain iz cuming up and Tha show iz about to begin!!

Comin' to you on the ihub board
Good prs flowin', I got a truckload
And when ya get it, ha
You got somethin'
So don't worry, cos I’m comin’

I’m a coal man
I’m a coal man
I’m a coal man
I’m a coal man

Got what I got the easy way
And I’ll make you richer
Each and every day
So playa don’t you fret
Cos you ain’t seen nothing yet

I’m a coal man
I’m a coal man
I’m a coal man
I’m a coal man

I was brought up on a wall street
I learned how to promo before I could eat
I was educated in china deals
When I start dealin'
Oh I can’t stop

I’m a coal man
I’m a coal man
I’m a coal man
I’m a coal man

Well smack that ask and I'll ring it up
Give you bags and be your only stock king
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

I'm a coal man
I'm a coal man
You're a coal man
I'm a coal man
I'm a coal man
I'm a coal man