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04/06/05 8:07 AM

#2953 RE: PennyWorld #2950

Pennyworld Who do l have to impress with credibility on these boards. Let me show you. There was a poster who said what is my obsession with the profit figures. If that poster only knew a profit of 2M per year vs nothing per year means alot. SALES AND PROFITS make the PPS go up. That poster is way out in left field. Next genius says Now with the acquisition it will be easier to for CTKH to become reporting this year. Now where i come from it will be harder and will take longer and probably took us out for this year. Maybe he does not know that a CERTIFIED audit must be done and now its with 2 merged companys. Now how is that easier?? Another poster says now we will have a acquisition party!!! HA HA These are the posters l have to worry about credibility!!
Now for the reason l sold I spoke to Jim Stock the other day and he told me this company has earnings of about 2 million per year and it was bought for all cash. Man l thought now that is just great this is what investors like to hear a company with earnings and paid for with cash not stock. A few hours went by and l started to wonder how much cash was paid to Hybrid because the going rate is about 5 to 7 times profits and where would Hilal get 10 to 15 million dollars. I called JS back and he says now listen dont hold me to it l think Hilal paid a little over 1 million dollars. Thats when the RED FLAG was raised and l checked alittle deeper.Because there is no Santa Clause on wall Street. And l see that end2war was posting that the earnings were BS. Round posted 2 to 3 million in profits told to him by JS. So l checked alittle deeper and end2war was right we got a company that was on the balls of its arse saved them with cash got there equiptment and the goodwill. And l am thinking when the true figures finally come out this stock is going south. If this was such a great deal Hilal would have given us the numbers (why wouldnt he)?? Also the market would have reacted differently. So when the bid got to .0024 and wavered around there l thought at .0022 l will start selling You know a stop trailing loss of 10%. And thats what l did. At least l am honest enough to tell you guys when l buy and sell and try to give a reason. I see Jim Stock also sent out E Mails that this was a cash deal Now that is the TRUTH. Now did he send anyone a E Mail that this company has profits of 2-3 million per year, and cost Hilal about 1 million?? I bet not because thats impossible. Except to some of the posters they dont know better. Also wondering not that it makes any difference could that REGDEX for 150,000 been for this Hybrid for payment in full or a deposit. And dont forget we still have another 850,000 to go on that REGDEX in case Hilal wants to use it. And if that gets used you know what will happen to the PPS. Also the penny season is over remember Oct - March thats when most of the pennies make there high. This merger took us out for a listing this year. Unless Hilal really hussles and l mean moves FAST. This post is only my opinion. I am not a dreamer l try and deal in facts and only whats in writing. In pinkie land you must be careful.