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02/02/11 6:54 PM

#16886 RE: eddiebali #16885

Well guys I don't post often on here, mostly because my knowledge of stock trading is limited but I read this board daily and keep myself amused and sometimes informed with the posts I see here. I am beginning to feel like I am in downtown Cairo now though. I have been in this company for a while now, though not nearly as long as some of you guys. The last I bought was .32 and I am glad to say I was happy to get them then. I see you guys attacking EM and I say if you don't like the driver, get out of the cab. I for one know that this company is on the right track and there will be a huge developement one day, maybe sooner maybe later. I cheer either circumstance, because if sooner, I gain, if later maybe I can buy more. But bottom line... this stock and this board isn't like the others I have watched shoot up over some BS hype only to settle back to nothingness. We are where we are and that is fine, there will be news soon enough, but with so much to prove and so much to gain, I don't see the advantage of turning on each other just because we all have different opinions. I have done enough research to know what we have here and I think anyone with a brain can figure out our time will come. I see nothing that is being posted here as jabs at each other helping anybody at all... We will see the light soon IMO...


02/03/11 12:35 AM

#16890 RE: eddiebali #16885

Well fortunately and unfortunately I was one of those that bought in at the .37, or was it, .38... doesn't matter either way... I am fortunate because I truly believe in the science and, as my grandfather often stated, "come hell or high water... we will get this done..." I am also fortunate because at these lower prices I have been able to accumulate a sizable amount of shares while averaging down my unfortunate purchase at .38... As stated, I am holding until more substantial forward movement takes place... or until I can put more money in my ROTH to be able to purchase more... ;o)...

I do have a question for those that have been involved with MZEI for a significant period of time say greater than 10 to 15 years... How many "annual shareholder" meeting has MZEI had? Inquiring minds would like to know? I am still proposing some kind of meeting in the not TOO distant future... after all in August 2011 it will have been two years since the last one... maybe we could get some solid answers to a lot of the speculation/accusation/frustration/accumulation/stagnation/etc... that is being bantered about on the board!

MZEI long... GLTA... statements above IMO...

Keep the dialogue civil, informative, and contributory, and "...come hell or high water... we will get this done..."

YOU ARE ALL the BEST and thanks for your continued contributions to this board!

All the BEST,
