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01/28/11 2:48 PM

#24499 RE: duderino #24495

wrong, that is only your opinion...

there are many ways to do DD, in fact lots of peeps
have been duped by pink sheet company's that don't even
really exist.

We know this one does because some board members have
actually visited LEI headquarters.

That would be known as physical DD, and it's one of the best!

False paperwork has been around since paper money.

Many on this board appreciate all kinds of DD......

and that is why things like this exist on iHub:


01/28/11 4:46 PM

#24509 RE: duderino #24495

Could very well be a forged document... proves nothing...

I own another stock... product certified by 3 independent labs with "official looking" info scanned and posted. Merciless abuse over the fact that anyone can forge/fabricate anything!

ONLY OFFICIAL CONTRACT INFO in SEC filed documents prove anything about LNGT... it is, after all, a dude's world!


01/31/11 6:59 AM

#24550 RE: duderino #24495

WOW..great DD dude...!!

so LEI sold 5 Dasers on DEC 9 2010 and by JAN 25 as per your email they still have not recieved them?that can t be long does it take to throw 5 units together?

It certainly is a far cry from the 1000 units in 30 days as reported in JULY when Ryan Battis was talking to reporters on the news clips...and then the Lehigh Valley Health Network order will be in the march april time frame???

SAy what..another 2 months to put 5 more units together?by the way Boob s moving he might sell 20 units in 2011.

the Money TV interview was classic,he goes into a spiel about how important the Alexandrite tech is and how they have such an advantage by owning the tech(developed in the 1970s and 80s)**his words,then he goes on to say the geneva convention banned its use in what a sales pitch,he may as well have told everyone he purchased the $150 million dollar tech for $600K...$300K being ""software""

And at the same time he might as well mention that LEI had to forgive $17 K dollars worth of debt to LLSR due to the fact LEI had huge problems with the laser they provided and could nt do so in a timly manor...

the best part of the interview was when Boob stated""when you have a weapon that travells at the speed of sound...?then says err light""...too funny,did anyone notice the hord of buyers once Bob mentioned at the end that it was worth BILLIONS...

Iron state Dan Schall is useless?..,hes not an IR guy...hes Bob s pet that hooks investors to pony up PP money,did you notice it was Dan who set up the conference call with Bob,and i bet they went on a long high pressure sales call to get you to pony up cash...thats Dans JOB..!!Bob dosen t have to sell any Daser to pay the bills,he just needs to continue to draw in suckers into his PP s ...look at the shares outstanding...330 million plus...hes just telling stories and printing paper.

Hows that for DD....!!