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Sola Fide

01/27/11 12:31 PM

#41352 RE: otterman #41344

I am fully aware of the merger fiasco...I was around then, in & know.
My reference was to their repeated claim a merger was in the works and going to close shortly...I would be right in saying that went on for 2yrs...yes / no?

I'm waiting to see the company actually follow through on something within their stated timeframe.
I anticipated seeing the launch of Ipayu and something of merit from the promo. Admittedly My mistake, I actually put $$'s on the companies statements...I usually know better, weak
I do take solace in knowing I am not alone, many did the same, some sold at a loss already, some like me sit a bit underwater, and some more so. Most I suspect anxious to not get nicked and move on.

I suspect there are a multitude of shareholders who anticipate the company doing something that will be reflected in the share price.
Doubtful the majority of shareholders here are expecting to wait years to see a return. I know you have and some others have, but I gotta think you folks are the minority.

Really a sad statement when the company can't work up enough stimuli to get their share price better than 20% off the 2yr bottom. 3yr daily chart is pretty interesting, trend of the last 1.5yrs....sad indeed!!

Like I said earlier, imagine if that $50k was put into an investment vehicle like Apple 2 yrs ago...