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01/25/11 9:33 PM

#324599 RE: dia duit #324595

By: carmelbeach
25 Jan 2011, 07:38 PM EST
Rating: Msg. 990419 of 990430

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Joined: Jul 2010
Posts: 51

I am surprised he isn't banned!

Re: Disenfranchising the CMKX Shareholder...
« Reply #49 Today [1/25/11] at 12:50pm »


The following EVIDENCE points to THE Truth: RM was not involved in a "sting."

And if RM was NOT involved in a "sting," he could NOT have possibly negotiated a settlement because a settlement is nonexistent.

In law that is called a res ipsa loquitur argument: the EVIDENCE speaks for itself.

Therefore the EVIDENCE points toward the Mountain's fabricating the allegations in his Litigation, Updates, and Letters.

And if any of you feel so bold as to proclaim in this open forum that RM, DS, and BF lied in their SEC Depositions, do so and see if you don't get sued for libel.

According to the Litigation -- Bivens Action, paragraphs 32 and 34, and Amended Complaint, paragraphs 45 and 48 -- the Mountain alleges that Robert Maheu facilitates a “sting operation,' “utilizing CMKM at some date prior to June 1, 2004," and "negotiated a settlement" "during the period from March, 2004, through August 2006."

According to the sworn testimony of Robert Maheu at his 04-20-06 SEC Deposition, page 18, Robert Maheu testifies that he first heard about CMKM in January 2005.

Can the Mountain explain that "fairly big" contradiction?

According to the Litigation -- Bivens Action, paragraphs 32 and 34, and Amended Complaint, paragraph 45 and 48 -- the Mountain paints a picture of Robert Maheu as being vibrant during the sting-settlement periods.

According to the sworn testimony of Robert Maheu at his 04-20-06 SEC Deposition -- pages 6, 9, 18, 20, 24, 55, 57 -- Robert Maheu paints a picture of himself as being anything but vibrant during said periods:

Because Robert Maheu had medical travel limitations, the SEC Deposition of Robert Maheu (04-20-06) was telephonic: Leslie Hakala was in Los Angeles and Robert Maheu was in the law office of Donald Stoecklein in Las Vegas, Nevada; Robert Maheu was apparently so medicated he kept referring to 2005 as 1905; Robert Maheu testifies that he took diuretic medication the day of the Deposition; had an accident on 01-05-2005; had been taking two pills prescribed by a cancer clinic doctor; was on a special diet to repair damage to his spine.

According to the sworn testimony of Donald Stoecklein at his 01-24-06 SEC Deposition, pages 48-49, Donald Stoecklein paints a picture of Robert Maheu as being anything but vibrant during said periods:

Donald Stoecklein testifies that Robert Maheu, due to his old age, plays a passive role in the CMKM Task Force; had banged his head; due to his medical condition had been incoherent when he previously spoke with him.

Can the Mountain explain that "fairly big" contradiction?

According to the Litigation -- Bivens Action, paragraphs 32 and 34, and Amended Complaint, paragraphs 45 and 48 -- the Mountain paints a picture of Robert Maheu as being knowledgeable and forceful during the "sting-settlement" periods.

According to the sworn testimony of Robert Maheu at the 5-10-05 SEC Administrative Hearing, Robert Maheu paints a picture of himself as being anything but knowledgeable and forceful during said periods.

Robert Maheu testifies that he was unaware that CMKM accountants had failed to provide the SEC with the required accounting information; had no knowledge of any CMKM offices; did not know any CMKM employees, the number of CMKM employees, or the work the CMKM employees performed; had never seen a general ledger for CMKM; had no knowledge of how much CMKM had in the bank; had no knowledge of the assets and liabilities of CMKM; had no knowledge of the whereabouts of the 3 million dollars allegedly received from U.S. Canadian Minerals or the 5 million dollars allegedly received from St. George Metals Inc.

According to the sworn testimony of Robert Maheu at his 04-20-06 SEC Deposition -- pages 28-29, 31, 33-34, 41-42, 47, 49, 53 -- Robert Maheu paints a picture of himself as being anything but knowledgeable and forceful during said periods.

Robert Maheu testifies that he was unaware of and failed to inquire into how many shares of CMKM stock were outstanding; failed to inquire into why shares had been issued to particular people; never heard of CMK Xtreme; other than making sure that the professionals he had hired were doing their jobs, did nothing as co-Chairman of CMKM; was unaware of the history of CMKM before he became involved; was unaware that Urban Casavant and John Edwards were pumping and dumping CMKM; had no involvement in the Entourage transaction; did not know who created the CMKM Task Force; never saw any documents pertaining to the CKMK Task Force; did relatively nothing while a member of the CMKM Task Force; failed to grasp the true purpose of the CMKM Task Force; failed to understand an illegal naked short position; was unaware that an illegal naked short position existed in CMKM stock; did not know the name of CMKM's transfer agent.

According to the sworn testimony of Robert Maheu at his 04-20-06 SEC Deposition, page 18, Robert Maheu testifies that:

Q Other than making sure that the professionals you'd hired were doing their jobs, what else did you do as a Director of CMKM Diamonds?

A Nothing else.

According to the sworn testimony of Donald Stoecklein at his 01-24-06 SEC Deposition, pages 147-148, Donald Stoecklein paints a picture of Robert Maheu as being anything but knowledgeable and forceful during said periods.

Donald Stoecklein testifies that Robert Maheu made no substantive contributions to the CMKM Task Force; had a passive rather than an active role regarding the CMKM Task Force.

According to the sworn testimony of Bill Frizzell at his 01-06-06 SEC Deposition, page 71, Bill Frizzell paints a picture of Robert Maheu as being anything but knowledgeable and forceful during said periods.

Bill Frizzell testifies that Robert Maheu just kind of sits there and doesn't say much; has never stepped up and taken charge in anything since he has been involved with cmkm.

Can the Mountain explain that "fairly big" contradiction?

Scam CMKX is All about "Fun and Games"
Nothing else matters.