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01/19/11 10:39 PM

#324239 RE: needdiamonds #324238

Cmark International Inc (RB:CMKI)
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By: carmelbeach
19 Jan 2011, 09:05 PM EST
Rating: Msg. 989246 of 989261
(Reply to 988374 by carmelbeach)

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Response from Noel Krieger
« Thread Started Today [1/19/11] at 7:00pm »


Re: Fw: CMKX
From: Noel Krieger Add to Contacts
To: Brian ****** ***********

Brian, I have forwarded your email to Peter Maheu. I apologize but I did not see your email dated the 17th. I wonder where the attorney got the information that Global was fined $150 million? Although I would like to respond to your email, I will leave that up to Peter. Best regards, Noel

At 03:41 PM 1/19/2011, you wrote:

Noel Krieger:

I remain confused as to why Global Intelligence refuses to acknowledge or refute the allegations made by Attorney Hodges. When GI did not comment after the lawsuit was filed against the SEC, I concluded that GI did not see it as significant or worth their time to comment. However, now that Attorney Hodges has specifically stated that GI is responsible for the delay in payment distributions, I find myself wondering wherein lies the truth. What is GI's position on this matter (50,000 shareholders would like to know.) Will GI seek a cease and desist order as you have previously stated? Will they ackowledge their role in the sting operation? Do you stand by your previous comment that GI has never had a role in CMKX funds? Why would an attorney (that claims he speaks with government agencies almost daily) state that GI is the delay? If you are not permitted to speak on the issue, could you at least reply with a 'no comment'.

Brian *******


Re: Response from Noel Krieger
« Reply #4 Today [1/19/11] at 7:27pm »

BumbleBee Tuna

Wednesday, January 19, 2011 7:12 PM
"Peter Maheu"
Add sender to Contacts

Global Intelligence Network, Inc. of Las Vegas Nevada and Peter Maheu have never had, nor do they now, have anything to do with CMKM or CMKX. All statements to the contrary are fabrications by unknown individuals. This is the only statement that will be made in regard to this matter. Peter R. Maheu


Phone call to Noel Krieger - Maheu's office
« Thread Started Today [1/16/11] at 4:15pm »


I had a brief conversation this afternoon with Noel Krieger, an associate of Peter Maheu. I will cut to the chase:

She stated that Global Intelligence has nothing to do with CMKX. She also stated that Peter Maheu will not likely return any phone calls dealing with this matter. In a nutshell, she stated that it was a scam. She requested that I forward her a copy of Hodges update mentioning Global Intelligence.

She stated that they would review the update and then determine whether or not to issue a cease and desist order. I also told her this will be a busy week for the receptionist.

Anyway....not good


Scam cmkx is what it is.