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Replies to #37972 on One Step Ahead
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03/30/05 12:26 AM

#37974 RE: lipopog #37972


Ok, make that 2 longs who see the mansions registered in the recent residential listings in that area as very disturbing. I'm sure that Alan would agree when I ask the question to everyone...who paid for these mansions??

We did.

I see him also coming on board to the fact that MM's, hedge funds and beyond have also been in the wrong here.

Hopefully many more will see this clear truth: A company with still great potential was used for nothing more than promotion and wild rumor to maintain market strength to issue hundred of billions of shares for millions to line the pockets of a few.

And Judge Murray won't be able to see this??? Please.

It's not going to be pretty. For the pb32'ers who want to keep drinking the Kool-Aid, I can't stop that. But I'll say it until I'm blue: The company has great potential. Current leadership (Meheu and Co.) needs to be in place to do that. Prior leadership is at the mercy of the court now. They are in front of a judge who won't be impressed with pokerchips and a wink of an eye. Thank God.

Further, before anyone gives a second thought to this so called attorney representing out interests, please just stop now. If matters get to the point that a class action suit is granted, it will be done with the oversight and approval of the courts. This "send this attorney $25 and you'll be on his list" crap could fast put itself open to investigation itself. And this Greenbaron (whoever that is) and others who should not be touted by the flock (but they are) are signing on to this???

Guys, if you are concerned, just wait. If CMKX remains tradable with Meheu as the leader and the others banished, they we're ok. Seeking investor representation at a hearing is simply not necessary. If pursued, the judge will likely not meld or consolidate any investor issues to this hearing. And please do not send a so called shareholder or an unknown attorney $25. Please do research beyond a friggin post and let any class action suit arise if investors need protected and the courts agree.


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03/30/05 12:34 AM

#37976 RE: lipopog #37972


Frankly I dismiss the rumors that we'll have a buyout in the next week and not go to the sec hearing. In fact, simply BECAUSE those are the rumors du jour on all the boards, it is almost fact that that will NOT happen. The boards are a near 100% contraindicator for what actually will happen.

I only have half the shares roughly that you do, but I feel very much the same. The purchase of multi-million dollar homes by Urban and Rendal when we're facing an sec hearing is an absolute slap in the face to all shareholders. The GOOD news in my opinion is that this SEC lawsuit may help clear up some issues for everyone. Either the SEC will do its job and expose the company as a scam and indict Urban and others, or cmkx may expose the sec/dtc on a scam of much greater proportions (naked shorting). But honestly, i just want to KNOW. I'm a big boy and can swallow my loss without blinking, but it is the constant and endless secrecy that drives me nuts. My hope is that this hearing puts everything squarely on the table for all to see. Or at least see SOME of it. Win or lose, I'd rather just get an answer and go on with my life.

Urban has asked not just a lot from us, but he has asked literally for more faith in shareholders than has EVER been asked for in a shareholder. If we win, the reward had better be proportionate to what we've endured. So yes, I agree that there is no other way to term it than "disgusting" that they are out buying multi-million dollar homes while we shareholders are left wondering what the F is going on. Urban seems to have a long history in cmkx of acting like we've won when in fact nothing of the sort has happened yet (remember Vegas?). I'm glad for the sec hearing only in the sense that it forces the issue. Just give me my answer so I can drop this godawful soap opera from my life.

As for the lawsuit, I'm on the fence. I guess it's fine to have someone representing the shareholders' interests but I highly doubt this judge is going to care much nor do I believe any outside attorney will be privy to any backroom deals. And let's say miracle of all miracles, some kind of ten cent settlement suddenly appears, what then? Does this attorney sue to have that amount set aside because he wasn't a part of it, thus throwing the settlement into jeopardy and adding extra months to the process? But my bottom line on that is that it won't be very helpful either way.

Just a few random thoughts on an off-night. I did also find it interesting that Citigroup incorporated a new entity in Nevada in December 2004. It subsequently expired and was reintroduced on March 14, 2005. What I actually find interesting is they did not name the company. It is simply listed as "Reserved Name". What were they concerned about with respect to giving it a name?? Odd, eh?

Anyway, my expectations are that nothing will happen this week or next. We may get a publicly filed 8-k detailing cmkx's response to the sec. My expectation is that it will simply be a more detailed statement of their PR. I'm hopeful, however, that it may shed some light on what steps cmkx has taken towards getting an audit, what their stumbling blocks were, and where they are in the process. If that's all we get, then hey that's information we didn't have before. Maybe we'll even get more.

That's why I'm keeping my posting very limited, almost to nothing at this point. Lots of rumors. Little reason to believe them. We just wait. I expect we'll go to the hearing, present our case, and await a decision.

Oh wait, one more point. LOL I did find after letting the PR sift through my mind over the weekend to be odd. I found certain statement in there to be a complete bitchslap to the sec. To basically say "if the sec finds it in investors' best interests to prevent us from keeping them informed, we will comply" is a complete slap in the face to the sec. And so is putting "protect its investors" in quotes. There were many underhanded slaps in the PR. And basically you don't make statements like that unless you're really stupid or you are in a position of great bargaining strength. Given how little I know about what is actually happening behind the scenes on cmkx and given Urban's recent extravagant home purchase, I'd say I have no idea whether he is in a position of stupidity or strength. I could make a damn good argument either way. The one thing that tilts me towards hope in all this is Maheu. Period.

Okay enough rambling for a night. Off to bed for me. I remain hopeful, albeit with utmost caution.