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01/21/11 1:11 PM

#933 RE: microcap4 #932

The Masons Au Key - protected by
666 fire - will 888 get it -
The name Zimbabwe comes from Shona,
the language of the Mashona
people meaning 'stone houses -
The Masons - key old home -
the story behind -
the Masonic Order -
the story behind the Masonic ...
Lionel Fanthorpe, Patricia Fanthorpe - 2006 - History -
Another of the important proto-Masonic legend associated
with King Solomon was the location of
his semi-legendary gold mines.
These mines were said to be ...

Great Shona Mashona Zimbabwe
From the 1500s onwards many rumours made their way to Europe
about stone cities in the interior of southern Africa.

However, because Africa was considered an uncivilised continent,
they were passed off as the work of outsiders like King Solomon
and the Queen of Sheba, or of the wealthy Christian priest,
Prester John, who was thought to live somewhere in Africa.

So widespread were these ideas that the first European to
encounter the remarkable ruins of Great Zimbabwe in 1871 was
convinced that it was indeed the palace of the Queen of Sheba.

The earliest researchers who worked at Great Zimbabwe were so
certain that a mysterious race built it that they interpreted
everything that they saw according to this belief.

Their science and archaeology were so poor in some cases
that they actually damaged the sites.

However, the idea that Great Zimbabwe was built by a very ancient
race that lived some three to four thousand years ago
suited some people for political and economic reasons.
People like Cecil Rhodes, for example, actively promoted
this notion, as it provided an excuse to move into the area
and exploit its gold reserves.
He was able to justify his actions by arguing that he and
his British South Africa Company were members of a white
race that had formerly ruled in the area.
To his credit, Rhodes did try to stop the destruction
and ransacking of the site by treasure hunters.

In 1902, it was estimated that at least 2 000 ounces of
ancient gold ornaments had been stolen from the ruins.

Masses of gold bangles were found round the arms and legs of
the skeleton.
Heavy coils of iron bangles round one leg had rusted to a
solid mass, in which gold and glass spacing beads could
be distinguished.
The arms and neck had been surrounded by great numbers of gold
wire bangles… .
Where the skull had lain were found pieces of curiously shaped
gold plate, the convolutions of which suggest they had adorned
the wooden headrest of the corpse.
A bowl of gold plate … was found, together with a gold plate
bangle and a gold circlet and sheath or point, which
probably ornamented a staff of office.

Source: Leo Fouche, Mapungubwe: Ancient Bantu Civilization on the Limpopo. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1937, p.2.

Great Shona Mashona Zimbabwe

the “land of Ophir -

Jacob Hungwe (Zimbabwe):
I am a descendant of the royal house of Great Zimbabwe.
The Hungwe Dynasty.
The ruler was a Great Woman Queen, and her known name is
"Queen Of Sheba".
The Great Zimbabwe was a trading post, ant the ruler queen,
was a great traveller, as she had Gold to back her travels,
which became known as "King Solomon's Mines".
This can be proved by the fact that the surrounding area all
the way to Johannesburg South Africa is still Rich and
has an abundant supply of Gold,not to mention diamonds.
The Great Zimbabwean ruins according to biblical scriptures
and prophecy are to be there until the Messiah
(Jesus Christ) comes back to reign in the millenium
(1000 years)golden age, as it says that Kingdoms will
come to give tribute to the lion of Judah in Jerusalem,
inclusive of Queen of Sheba kingdom.
There are also some detailed secret things l am aware of
but am not supposed to reveal for cultural reasons
and the traditional law.
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01/24/11 1:49 PM

#936 RE: microcap4 #932

Caledonia Mining Corporation: January 2011 Shareholder Update

TORONTO, ONTARIO, Jan. 24, 2011 (Marketwire) --

Caledonia Mining Corporation
("Caledonia") (TSX:CAL)(OTCBB:CALVF)(AIM:CMCL) is pleased to
provide the following update on the gold production increase
and the installation of standby generators at
the Blanket Mine in Zimbabwe.

Following the successful commissioning of the No. 4 Shaft
Expansion Project at the end of September 2010,
Blanket Mine commenced the production ramp-up to the targeted
annualized rate of 40,000 ounces of gold by the end of 2010.
During the final 2 weeks of December, 2010, production reached
an annualized rate of 39,670 ounces, determined after taking
into consideration a Public Holiday on Christmas Day and
downtime due to power interruptions during this period.

Monthly gold production from September 2010 to December 2010
was as follows:


Month September October November December

Gold Production (ounces) 1,740 1,841 1,521 2,865(i)

(i) Includes Work in Progress

The production rate achieved by the end of 2010 is over 99 per cent
of the target of 40,000 ounces per year and represents a very
substantial increase in Blanket's production capacity.
More importantly the level of production achieved at the end of
December 2010 conclusively proved that key aspects of the No. 4
Shaft Expansion Project, namely the underground crushing
station, the automated skip loading system and the increased
milling capacity all operate well within their design capacity.

Blanket is now in a position to address the historic under-investment
in mine development, equipment and machinery. Underground
development work has commenced in order to ensure that
production levels in years to come can be maintained, as well
as providing platforms for underground exploration with a view
to potentially increasing production above the currently planned
rate of 40,000 ounces per annum.
This development work, in conjunction with re-investment in
equipment and machinery, is expected to have a temporary effect
on production in Quarter 1 of 2011, but it is still anticipated
that Blanket will produce 40,000 ounces in 2011.

Blanket has experienced considerable unexpected delays with the
delivery of the 33kV electrical switchgear which is required for
the installation and commissioning of the four generating sets.
It is anticipated that the entire 10 Megawatt generating system
will be operational by the end of March 2011 at which point
Blanket will be able to maintain all mining, hauling and milling
operations during interruptions to the electricity supply.
Subsequent to Blanket entering into a new supply agreement with
the Zimbabwe Electricity Supply Authority, electricity supply
has been more stable.
Whilst Caledonia welcomes the improvement in electricity supply
it still believes it is prudent to proceed with its plans to
equip Blanket with full standby generating capacity to safeguard
production against any future power interruptions.

Further information regarding Caledonia's exploration activities
and operations along with its latest financials may be found at

Caledonia Mining
+27 11 447 2499

+44 7932 740 452

RBC Capital Markets
+44 20 7029 7881

CAL - CALVF has more hidden treasures than
can be exposed ~<:-)