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01/14/11 3:03 PM

#195893 RE: DonVaBeach #195890

Bring in some successful people with solid funerary experience and great contacts within the industry.

This is not a new idea as many before have said that present management has to go and that experienced funeral pros need to be brought in to run the company. For one thing all these established pros don't have any fresh ideas or they would have tried to change the industry years ago but were satisfied with the status quo. What is missed is that licensed funerary products is a completely new idea to the closed off funeral industry and it took a young person to come up with the idea. If you take a look at the company now you can see that established funeral companies are the ones that are building the products for Eternal Image so I don't see how one comes up with the concept that Clint and Nick have no contacts in the industry.

Do you have names for these experienced guys that you would like to come in and work for a buck a year and hope that their stock options make it worth their while. I bet that these types of people are just beating down the doors at Eternal Image so that they can give up the cush jobs that they have right now and work for a buck a year. That is almost as good as when it was said that with proper stewardship that this company could have easily been started and gotten to the point where it is now on a measly 214 thousand dollars. Both of these are pure fantasyland concepts.


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01/14/11 3:04 PM

#195894 RE: DonVaBeach #195890

Yeah.. I pitched for Management Change for a long time...

Move asside before it's too late for us stuckholders, then shortly after, another carrot, the Mathews connection..

Now that is not looking good.....simply because since that announcement, well... look back, just sayn!