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01/11/11 1:40 PM

#270222 RE: umaw #270217

Until she comes out and says in court to Rosen, "Either settle to include all classes of equity, or show me the asset list", I will hold my opinion of JMW to myself.

While she did DENY the POR, so basically agreed with it, so if Rosen can switch a few dollars around and convince some that there will be no one able to sue, she will approve it, leaving us with nothing. My opinion, of course.

Lawrence 147

01/11/11 1:50 PM

#270226 RE: umaw #270217

Yeah I listened to it and that is not the only mistake he makes. He also asserts that the parties actually preformed an investigation, this we all clearly know never happened. The judge knows this never happened so she appoints an Examiner and summarily tosses his report. The next thing we actually have to go on is that she is turning out decision some on the same information she has tossed.
The interview was still good exposure.