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01/11/11 7:38 AM

#123232 RE: rbl100 #123052

I would bet soup to nuts that JARED LOUGHNER played violent video games daily! When is Congress going to BAN games that warp minds? Instead of a tool that has been around for 400 years? Ever heard of a school shooting before the 90's? How about during the 1950's when guns were laying on kitchen tables as common as a shovel? I didn't think so! The 90's is when psychotropic drugs/violent video games were introduced in mass quantities to children. So simple yet so avoided by libs...

Oh yeah, I almost forgot! Liberals LOVE warping minds so that the government has an excuse to CONTROL people. A dysfunctional society opens the door for the government to say “well you people cannot control yourselves, so we will do it for you”… Sound familiar in history? Stalin, Mao, Hitler, maybe...