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01/13/11 3:50 PM

#323669 RE: janice shell #323494


Jeffrey George Turino vindicates Vissokovsky of all charges and more in this first of over a dozen declarations made by Turino! But here is the real kicker for all who were suspect that this Turino declaration was a fake. Log in to rapidshare URL:
to download the actual VIDEO declaration with Turino himself live and in living color. Sorry the video was to long for UTUBE.

TURINO QUOTE-""Mr. Harlan’s claim in his Declaration Dated November 24, 2008 item 15 “I introduced Vissokovsky to Turino in 2003, and they began doing business in the areas of corporate transactions and financing” is false and misleading. I had only met Mr. Vissokosvky one time in 2003 and at no time did I do ”corporate stock transactions and financing” with Mr. Vissokovsky. This is true to date."

TURINO QUOTE- “In summary Vissokovsky was asked by Linstragate to act as a paymaster and subsequently sent to the U.S. on Linstragate behalf since the two trusts were supposed to own 74% of Worldwide/Global which were fraudulently canceled. The trusts were willing to sell their shares into the market to pay off the balance owed to Linstragate. Also Vissokovsky was asked to find out where the trust’s shares went. Vissokovsky has no knowledge of the stock market or the workings of how to raise capital and fund public companies. Vissokovsky was strictly the paymaster of Linstragate at their choosing and has had no involvement in the sales, trading, promotion, press releases, management of Worldwide/Global, Mountain Passages, Austin Funding, Winding River or any other multiple companies involved”.

TURINO QUOTE-"Vissokovsky had no knowledge of Bio tech Medics, Houser’s company. The merger was effective in December 2004 when I only met Vissokovsky a couple of occasions. I never discussed Bio Tech Medics or Keith Houser with Vissokovsky. Vissokovsky had No participation in any stock transaction, no shares issued to him, no receipt of monies of any kind whatsoever for or on behalf of Biotech Medics. Vissokovsky never met Houser. Vissokovsky never contacted Houser he had no reason, he did not know the individual or the company. Vissokovsky did not launder monies at any time for me or anyone else as suggested in the indictment."

You may recall the posting of the DECLARATION OF BRUCE HARLAN the former attorney of NICKOLAJ VISSOKOVSKY. Now we find that Turino’s girlfriend Melissa Spooner has waived extradition and has already returned to the US to face her charges. I bet that’s a whole can of worms for the CROOKS sitting back thinking they got away clear as a crystal lake. TURINO is soon to follow and then there will be no question of what’s real or not. Why? They have nothing to gain since they are caught! If they lie under oath they will NEVER see the light of day again! You know what they say, what goes around comes around!

Then take into consideration the fact that BRUCE HARLAN the former attorney of NICKOLAJ VISSOKOVSKY was formally reprimanded for stealing over $435,000 USD out of his clients trust account. Funds wired to HARLAN’s client’s trust account from a Cyprus corporation which loaned these funds to no other than VISSOKOVSKY for use to purchase homes for his children. Harlan was then put on probation by the Florida bar :!OpenDocument&Click=

NOT reason enough for HARLAN wanting VISSOKOVSKY out of the picture? What about the over 900,000 euro of king crab and caviar that HARLAN had a hand in doing a David Copperfield on from the Seafood Factory. Or the over $350,000+ HARLAN guaranteed with that Paqman company. We checked on Mike Greico who was the owner of Paqman and he states that he had a bad run and did write several bad checks for over a $100,000 to Vissokovsky's company. That he owed hundreds of thousands of dollars which HARLAN guaranteed to Vissokovsky.

OK! NOT reason enough for HARLAN wanting VISSOKOVSKY out of the picture? We also checked and found that there was a Seafood Factory in Prague and guess what HARLAN was there at TURINO's not Vissokovsky's request. The people in Prague we contacted have sent us photos of HARLAN and his girlfriend in the Seafood Factory freezers and on the production floor packed full of product. Product that belonged to the SHAREHOLDERS. HARLAN is a LIAR!! Read the contradictions about the Seafood Factory in his first and then second deposition. WOW! That's something the government missed?

Don't forget the fact that BRUCE HARLAN is the subject of a mortgage fraud scheme as per this news paper article : .

Given HARLAN’s past track record of complaints, the misappropriation of funds from his trust account and current fraud problems. Not to mention being in debt to VISSOKOVSKY and being TURINO’s front man "CEO" in multiple stock deal public companies, HARLAN is hardly credible. He’s an A1 CROOK!! But still appears as the government’s star witness? What's WRONG with this picture?

BRUCE HARLAN has betrayed his fiduciary responsibility & attorney client privilege and that’s not a CRIME? The evident fabrication during HARLAN's declaration was intended to cast a shadow & draw attention away from HARLAN's illegal activities with TURINO and EDWARDS. Also do not forget Harlan’s witness manipulation. I suppose that’s not a CRIME either? Time for the government to change the spice in this bland story and delete the Russian, English speaking so called Mafia Boss. It was well played using a typical Hollywood script for the Grand Jury to get an indictment but now it will fall like a row of dominos. By the way does the government have video tapes or wire taps of this alleged MAFIA BOSS performing the Deed? I'm ready to bet my house they don't. It doesn't fit this guys profile or life style! He wouldn't get involved in this penny nonsense when he let's people like Greico off the hook for a bad business call or drops a few million dollars on a Vegas production. Does this sound like a guy who owned not one but SEVEN casinos overseas? It make's NO sense! It is time to take down the other two or so dozen CROOKS that have yet to be named and who are still ACTIVE in committing these FRAUD’s.

This sworn declaration given under oath on June 19, 2010 by JEFFEREY GEORGE TURINO himself both in documentary and VIDEO format in which TURINO is disclaiming all of HARLAN's and HOUSER’s statements in reference to VISSOKOVSKY is more than a REASONABLE DOUBT! Not only does TURINO disclaim HARLAN, HOUSER and that of others making statements about VISSOKOVSKY but he does not attempt to deny or defend his own actions and affiliation with Worldwide/Global, Mountain Passages, Austin Funding.

TURINO states- “Vissokovsky was strictly the paymaster of Linstragate at their choosing and has had no involvement in the sales, trading, promotion, press releases, management of Worldwide/Global, Mountain Passages, Austin Funding, Winding River or any other multiple companies involved.”

I for one would want to hear what VISSOKOVSKY has to say of how his friends were ripped off in the Worldwide/Global scam and how many more heads will roll. Where EDWARDS showed VISSOKOVSKY where he sent the monies to his wife's relatives. THAT's OUR MONEY!!

VISSOKOVSKY was never the CEO of Global Diamond Exchange GBDX (that's a LIE!), he never laundered any money and had no involvement with Biotech Medics, CMKM Diamonds or any of the other PUBLIC companies involved in the indictment According to TURINO and other parties testimony. TURINO only met VISSOKOVSKY once in 2003 and then not again until late October 2005 when Harlan and TURINO traveled overseas to come to a settlement on the monies HARLAN owed VISSOKOVSKY as his real estate attorney. How could he be involved when he didn't know these CROOKS? Correction he knew his former attorney who turned out to be the biggest CROOK leading VISSOKOVSKY to slaughter.

In the US all are innocent until proven guilty and here VISSOKOVSKY is more probably not a defendant but a witness who was scammed as were his partners and that may assist in putting the nails in many other coffins for these CROOKS. After reading a post on criminal convictions, we also could NOT find a felony or misdemeanor conviction for any Nikolaj or Nik or Nickolaj or Nick Vissokovsky anywhere in the US or worldwide! Only a lot of story telling hype. You know what Trump says. You should start worrying when they stop talking and writing about you. Also you can't get to the top without making a few enemies. HARLAN for one!

By the way check the Times archives, we found several interesting photos of VISSOKOVSKY hanging out in some of his casinos with Stallone, Lambert, Norris, Van Damm, Grace Jones with Thelma Houston together, Michael Jackson, Sting and none other than Donald himself. The list of photo's with stars, business tycoons and political figures from dozens of countries go on and on according to the archive desk. Penny stock? When it doesn't smell right, it's NOT right! Something to think about!

Sounds one sided? YOU BET! This is only the tip of the iceberg!

The TRUTH always comes out, TE-ABSOLVO