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12/30/10 11:57 PM

#86542 RE: MorningLightMountain #86539

JBI could still be fully operating the tape reading business as a revenue source because JB could train someone else to do it.
The main reason that this is not considered is for the reason stated in the 10-Q, just above:
John is the only person authorized to analyze and mine the data from this business, and with consideration of our other growing businesses, he is currently unable to dedicate significant amounts of time to this endeavor.

JBI is entrusted with valuable information, including the hard copy notes from the scientists involved in the projects recorded on the tapes, as well as the significant value of the information in the tapes. Harvard, the U.N, the US Army, cannot entrust their information to JBI and hope for the best, they entrust it with JB himself.

As well, it would be very difficult to train someone. Many confuse the different aspects of the tape reading business into just the one part of it, Data Recovery. However, there is also Data Migration, Data Management, and Mobile Data Recovery (mostly used for oil companies who will and cannot allow important data from geological surveys for oil and natural gas out of their site). Of the four divisions, the most time consuming would be Data Migration.
Data Migration:
Recovery is only the beginning.
At John Bordynuik, Inc., we are equipped to help our clients with one of the central dilemmas of data recovery and management: Data is only useful if it is stored in a form that can be easily accessed and manipulated. And so, recovering information from our clients’ now-obsolete computer-output media is only the first step.
The raw data must then be migrated and stored in a long-term data storage format. JBI accomplishes this in a 3 step migration process.
1. Create a digitized image of the tape signal including the source code.
2. Translate the data into a useful format.
3. Save the data in the long-term storage format.
This is really difficult to do, NASA could not do it so they asked JB to do it and were charged separately for this part of the service. This is why JB has to have access to dates, documents by scientists involved at the time the projects were recorded onto the tape. Having to deal with different formats, that changed constantly and require new programs to translate the data into a readable format is time consuming and difficult. JB was able to do write these programs faster than most as he can create some of the needed algorithms in his head, by the way, I had another witness with me at the time he told me this (he said it as a matter of fact, he wasn’t bragging). For the many reasons listed above, training someone else to create the programs and analyze the data, provide them with the history of data encoding and a functional understanding of old computer drives, would be time prohibitive.

JBI’s only proof that they have converted any tapes is the photo of the small skid with a few hundred tapes used to demonstrate the number of tapes needed to fill a USB drive.
Wrong, many thousands of tapes have been processed. I’ve seen many of them myself and held the tapes in my own hands in the summer of 2008. JBI had many more skids of tapes when I was at the Niagara Falls, Ontario site where tapes were previously processed.
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12/31/10 12:37 AM

#86559 RE: MorningLightMountain #86539

MLM, I do not wish to put words in your mouth. My whole point was that your post was not clear.

Your post:

Is that the best we can do to show he's [i.e., John Bordynuik] a liar?

no, there are much better things, such as the statement about there not being a 2nd PP (PIPE), etc, etc.....this was posted here a billion times to prove there would not be one, and also mentioned at the AGM, (right???), as the PP was taking place (or soon did after the AGM, whatever.....and people were so psyched up that some were paying more than market price for restricted shares, right???.....isn't that the story????)......

then there is this BS below, sure make it SOUNDS like the AUTOMATIC tape operation was no biggie at all.....opps, only he has the needed "clearance?"?? (or whatever)......Cambridge MA "office" (LOL!) was opened for what reason then???....oh yeah, we were told tapes can not leave the JB was going to commute to Cambridge, being the only one with "clearance"???....hire some folks from MIT, source of the HONORARY DEGREE (despite the fact MIT does not give them) they are back to a Canadian office, with Cambridge shut down after the photo goes on and on, a story with more holes than a sieve.......

My post in response:

I'm having trouble following your post MLM. Who are you saying was making BS statements? Mr. Bordynuik? Some unspecified message board poster? A compilation of public commentary?

It appears that you are claiming that Bordynuik proclaimed at the AGM that there would not be a second or subsequent private placement (i.e., "PP" or "PIPE"). Are you sure about that? The only mention of private placements that I recall at the AGM was someone's (Baldwin, I think) statement that the possibility of future PPs depends on the company's operations and revenue stream. I do recall him saying that if revenues were sufficient, the company would not do a PP, but I also recall him saying that he could not rule out the possibility of a future PP.

Secondly, what are these "BS" Cambridge "photo opps" you speak of? What glamorous photos were ever taken at the Cambridge office? If you are talking about that video you posted, it doesn't appear to have been recorded at the Cambridge office. Am I wrong about that?

If your discontent centers on something some other message board poster stated about this company, then in fairness you should make that fact clear. Otherwise your post has the appearance of chastising JBI for staging a mock photo shoot and then misrepresenting at the AGM that there would be no further private placements. This is particularly true given that the "he" in the quote you are responding to refers to the company's CEO, Mr. Bordynuik. Or are you in fact claiming that Mr. Bordynuik has engaged in such behavior?

No, you never stated that the so-called "photo opps" were glamorous. But it did appear that you were suggesting that Bordynuik (JB) set up the Cambridge office for some photo opp., which, if that were the case, I would not think would have been done for junk photos. Is that what you were actually suggesting? I don't know! Again, the whole point to my response was that I did not understand your post, or what it was that you were insinuating, or who it was that you were criticizing. That is why I raised the questions I did.

As I noted, you were responding to a comment regarding the veracity of JB. It now appears that you are criticizing past message board posts. Nothing wrong with well-intentioned criticism, mind you, but you did not clarify that your focus was on message board posters, as opposed to the CEO of JBI.

All I asked for was clarity (although I'm still not sure I understand your point). I am sorry if I mischaracterized your post. It is difficult to accurately paraphrase a post that I have trouble comprehending (which, AGAIN, was my whole point).