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12/23/10 10:18 AM

#2930 RE: M n M #2929

Sometimes the most successful businesses are begin in the basement of one's home. You don't need to be at your desk. Matter a fact, often people just use the address instead of the home address. It means nothing accept that management has chosen to share space in order to save money.


12/23/10 10:20 AM

#2931 RE: M n M #2929

"I wonder why would they not be listed on the directory, and why was I not allowed to see their office?"

I suspect because it's purely an accomodation address; it's common practise for companies that want a professional-sounding address to rent the services of a receptionist/telephonist, and perhaps to be able to use the shared meeting rooms occasionally.

Another poster recently mentioned that the person who answers the number given for Spencer Pharma also does the same job for all the other companies with "addresses" there, which is standard for this type of operation.

And SPPH's crooked CEO, Dr. Max Arella has himself said that the reason they have a US address is so they can have a Pink Sheet listing:

"The company has a lease with a business center at 8 Faneuil Hall Marketplace, in Boston. This address is the legal U.S. address for the company and may eventually become its permanent and physical address in the future......

The company needed a US address since the company is a Delaware corporation as well as being listed on a US exchange."

(Mind you, Arella only issued that information when it became clear that people weren't buying his previous lies, where he clearly wanted potential "investors" (or "marks", as he doubtless calls them) to believe SPPH conducted research in Boston, whereas we now know they don't conduct R&D anywhere (although they do claim to pay a Montreal University to do this on their behalf).)

And it must be said, if you want a listing that will enable you to defraud retail investors, then the US Pink Sheets are the best in the world.


12/23/10 11:34 AM

#2934 RE: M n M #2929

M&M.... this is nothing new. I have seen this and even set up this type of scenero several times before where a company just keeps office space in a building. Their phone number goes through a common building switchboard and usually one or two individuals handle the call volume. Calls and any inquiries are then call forwarded out the building PBX to another location. The person calling never knows their call to Boston ends up in LA or China, etc.

It happens quite a bit with companies that want a presence in a location but do not want to have the expense involved with a office environment. This is a very inexpensive way to have it. If it is just domestic phone service, depending on call vol. you would probably be talking less than $1000. a month. Look at it like an answering service.

This lady was previuosly prompted as how to handle this type of situation. You were not shown any office space as their is probabaly just 1 office and a phone on the desk if that.

The lack of a listing for the company inside the building should be your other red flag as to the true validity of any business entity residing IN THE BUILDING. They just didn't figure you would show up looking for a physical body or ! You caught them in a lie my friend or possibly they just FORGOT to put the name of the company on the !