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03/20/05 9:36 PM

#7872 RE: SEBASS #7870 of tonight I am no longer the Assistant Moderator as I took the position only to give Rock a hand; if you have the interest, and the time, perhaps you could contact Matt at IHub and be either the Moderator or Assistant.



03/20/05 10:00 PM

#7876 RE: SEBASS #7870

Sebass: You or somebody should take over as moderator for the board. (Your proposed update for the I-box would be an improvement.) Beyond keeping the I-box current, keeping up Rocky's tradition of no name calling is worth doing or we end up like RB. Whoever takes over as moderator can feel free to put me down as assistant.

Maybe we should do a quick poll on new moderator? If so, I nominate Sebass.

Regards to all,
