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01/08/11 2:07 PM

#750 RE: fourkids_9pets #725

HHWW .. trading stats .. week ending 1/7/2011

DEC 2010 .. can be split into 2 .. b4 12/10 & 12/13 and after

notice while volume is picking up b4 12/10 that finra's daily
reg sho data runs in the 40% to 60% range

when HHWW's *VOLUME* is deliberately blown out .. reg sho shows
20+ percent range for both days (there are no coincidences when
stock is controlled) and it's not retail usually known for CONTROLLING STOCK

then notice as calls are made and info confirmed by the TA/MGMT
we see something rather telling imo .. there are 13 days remaining
in DEC 2010 .. post *volume blow out* .. (12/14 to 12/31)

notice volume is the highest on 12/14 and lowest on 12/31 by a
significant amount but notice .. 8 of those days daily reg sho
shows 30%+ or more
.. 4 of the remaining 5 days reg sho shows
20% + ... i noticed the *circular trading* .. well over a week ago
but since it was a holiday week .. hard to know for sure
what follow thru would show

check out the first week of jan 2011 stats .. to see HHWW's volume
consistently below 1M .. one has to go back to mid november 2010

imo it's pretty clear based on historical when *whichever*
entities planned and executed the assault against
HHWW's stock
(and the co.) got underway .. which is why my caveats remain
volume and percentages matter but not necessarily for obvious
reasons .. finra's daily reg sho shows imo *legit* buying vs.
*circular* trading .. or swapping .. it looks to me as if we
are seeing some covering done friday (again resets are constantly
being done by those who seek to control stocks that are newly
public via a r/m) .. anyhow it will be telling to see what the
legal short info (also put out by finra) for the 2nd half of DEC
has to show

that is due next week on the 11th after com/close of market

Date Open High Low Close Volume SHORT %

01/07/11 1.71 1.74 1.71 1.74 529,874 40.2%
01/06/11 1.725 1.73 1.71 1.71 488,093 16.5%
01/05/11 1.715 1.73 1.71 1.72 440,097 29.2%
01/04/11 1.72 1.74 1.70 1.71 339,358 29.6%
01/03/11 1.71 1.74 1.70 1.72 668,092 32.1%

12/31/10 1.72 1.73 1.70 1.70 356,213 24.6%
12/30/10 1.705 1.73 1.70 1.71 392,806 48.8%
12/29/10 1.675 1.71 1.67 1.69 569,769 33.4%
12/28/10 1.675 1.70 1.65 1.67 770,760 39.7%
12/27/10 1.595 1.67 1.59 1.67 908,623 32.3%
12/23/10 1.60 1.60 1.55 1.59 1,239,020 25.2%
12/22/10 1.555 1.63 1.55 1.63 1,109,580 36.7%
12/21/10 1.4725 1.60 1.47 1.53 1,124,997 25.7%
12/20/10 1.625 1.625 1.42 1.48 2,854,804 15.8%
12/17/10 1.975 2.00 1.475 1.63 5,268,000 22.7%
12/16/10 1.94 2.00 1.88 1.9399 3,807,906 35.6%
12/15/10 1.685 1.88 1.63 1.835 4,311,528 45.8%
12/14/10 1.405 1.645 1.39 1.57 4,909,152 30.4%

12/13/10 2.76 2.86 1.03 1.36 16,907,727 22.1%
12/10/10 3.0975 3.25 2.65 3.14 11,559,904 26.5%

12/09/10 2.75 3.14 2.73 3.10 7,661,286 42.8%
12/08/10 2.285 2.73 2.25 2.701 5,457,715 46.1%
12/07/10 1.90 2.43 1.87 2.21 7,227,411 49.6%
12/06/10 1.83 1.88 1.72 1.88 3,374,318 54%
12/03/10 1.70 1.81 1.68 1.80 2,763,601 61.6%
12/02/10 1.6595 1.69 1.65 1.69 1,060,925 56%
12/01/10 1.63 1.665 1.60 1.65 1,557,825 45.3%

22 trading days in DEC 2010

reg sho running above 30% = 15 days
reg sho running below 30% = 7 days

and more volume *traded* in 2 days (10 & 13) than traded
the entire month of november :) ... it's called blowing out
the volume and without a TA to *PROVE* SS/share structure
hadn't changed .. posts screaming *dilution* imo would be the norm

it's why for my own DD .. i took the time to contact corporate
the TA .. corp counsel .. the TA *again* and so on .. as always
folks need to do their own DD

finra daily reg sho/short volume info (december/january)

20110107|HHWW|186461|463474|O 40.2% (66,400 t trades bypass pm/ah)
20110106|HHWW|80359|485093|O 16.5% (3,000 shares t trades)
20110105|HHWW|128916|440097|O 29.2% ===================
20110104|HHWW|100676|339358|O 29.6% ===================
20110103|HHWW|214617|668092|O 32.1% ===================

0101231|HHWW|87776|356213|O 24.6% ===================
20101230|HHWW|188729|391706|O 48.8% (1,100 shares t trades)
20101229|HHWW|188151|562769|O 33.4% (7,000 shares t trades)
20101228|HHWW|303698|764260|O 39.7% (6,500 shares t trades)
20101227|HHWW|292113|901623|O 32.3% (7,000 shares t trades)
20101223|HHWW|301018|1193370|O 25.2% (45,650 t trades bypassed)
20101222|HHWW|406987|1108580|O 36.7% (1,000 shares t trade)
20101221|HHWW|266136|1033874|O 25.7% (91,123 trades b4 mkt)
20101220|HHWW|452447|2847029|O 15.8% (7,775 shares t trades)
20101217|HHWW|1199330|5268000|O 22.7% =======================
20101216|HHWW|1339168|3758406|O 35.6% (49,500 shares t trades)
20101215|HHWW|1960543|4279508|O 45.8% (32,020 shares t trades)
20101214|HHWW|1439412|4726430|O 30.4% (182,722 shares t trades)
20101213|HHWW|3710285|16781961|O 22.1% (125,766 shares t trades)
20101210|HHWW|3020791|11398764|O 26.5% (161,140 shares t trades)
20101209|HHWW|3188925|7440537|O 42.8% (220,749 shares t trades)
20101208|HHWW|2489686|5392008|O 46.1% (65,707 shares t trades)
20101207|HHWW|3563308|7177191|O 49.6% (50,220 shares t trades
20101206|HHWW|1782141|3296618|O 54% (77,700 shares t trades)
20101203|HHWW|1665651|2700101|O 61.6% (63,500 shares t trades)
20101202|HHWW|556640|993725|O 56% (67,200 shares t trades)
20101201|HHWW|698405|1541325|O 45.3% (16,500 shares t trades)

link back for prior stats/info if interested

all jmo