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03/19/05 8:58 PM

#74432 RE: Wildman262 #74430


All very interesting.

I arranged for our company's newest client to get a Trusted Computing Group briefing. The client's business (a software company)--enterprise vulnerability management--is going to be greatly affected by TPMs.

Re: Drummond and XRI and tie-ins.

** Drummond Reed was DIDW's first Digital Identity Pioneer Award recipient... or whatever they call their award. I met Drummond for the second time at the first DIDW... And, of course, he's good friends with Phil Becker. Drummond is about the most likeable, easygoing genius that you'll ever run across. He has worked tirelessly to bring his idea of Identity abstraction layer for the "dataweb" to life.

** To learn more about XDI or XRI, start here:

** Realize that a strong XRI champion is Geoffrey Strongin of AMD. Indeed, Strongin has, in a past article, referred to XRI/XDI as the "killer application" for trusted computing.

** Drummond and Lark and Strongin are all very well acquainted from their work on ISTPA.

** In a recent "What is XRI?" piece written by Reed for the Technical Committee at OASIS--which used to include Wave's Lark Allen--virtually all of the key examples that Drummond cited were drawn from GOVERNMENT scenarios. And knowing as I do that OneName (the private company that Drummond first used to promote what was then called XNS) presented to an XML working group within government long ago ... as a possible ALTERNATIVE to Passport... I would not be surprised to learn that XRI has been gobbled up by the Liberty Alliance... and that XRI will end up being adopted by government.

Best Regards,

c m