You can throw market cap out the window on these kinds of things. I think BK*P ended up with 80 billion shares or something like that and it is closer to having an 8-cent market cap than it is $8 million. Same with CY*G, IM*X, NW*T, CC*G the list goes on and on and on.
The more shares in the float, the more worthless the stinkie pinkie and the closer it gets to reverse splitting or shutting down all together. There might have been buyers for the first billion or so, but that doesn't mean they'll be there for the next (as you said "few current more")
This is why it is even more important for the company to throw a wider net and get the word out to as many people as possible even if it costs money in the short term. After all, if they need to dilute to operate, they could save a whole lot of shares if they diluted when the price was at .0005 as opposed to .0001. Simple math. To do otherwise just shows that they don't give a hoot about their investors and that they're happy to cash in .0001s which is even more reason for people to not put their money into this thing.