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12/08/10 10:12 PM

#15953 RE: waterdog451 #15952

Very nice WD! Your time and efforts here are not taken for granted.


12/08/10 10:36 PM

#15955 RE: waterdog451 #15952

WOW !!! very well said, I know that MZEI in time will benefit us all I have never strayed I have been long on this company for about 2 plus years now, when I was introduced to the company I had a good feeling & still do but you have to admit though that sometimes its unbearable to watch especially after a nice pr like our last one


12/08/10 10:46 PM

#15956 RE: waterdog451 #15952

WOW - Very good post H2O Dog. I just recently retired and was thinking I might have to pull a Brett Frave and go back to work! But, based on what you say (and what I believe) I think I'll stay in Florida awhile longer and catch a few more fish.

Thanks for your efforts and to the whole MZEI team.


12/08/10 11:31 PM

#15957 RE: waterdog451 #15952

That is a nice bit of prose WD but you have not answered harpola's question. Why is there no market awareness of Asepticsure ? It is not a function of fluffy PR's but one of Marketing. The days of simply producing a product and someone turning up to buy it are long gone. What is the strategy to raise awareness ? The benefits are incredibly obvious to all except the group you are involved with. Putting Shannon and Zoutman on the road to speak to every conference on HAI's in the Northern Hemisphere in the next 2 months would be a really good starting point. The options are endless but none are being mentioned.


12/09/10 6:07 AM

#15959 RE: waterdog451 #15952

thanks again for your great input on that board waterdog!!


12/09/10 8:57 AM

#15962 RE: waterdog451 #15952

Dear Waterdog, Thank you for your beautifully written response to my questions- your passion and true belief in MZEI come through clearly, and provide inspiration and encouragement to us all.

Perhaps my question was not too clear, so let me try again, starting with the simple facts:
-Virtually EVERYONE in the general public is completely aware of hospital infections, food-borne infections, bio-terrorism, bed bugs, etc. etc.
-Virtually NOBODY has ever heard of MZEI, or has any knowledge whatsoever that a company and a technology exist that can address/solve those problems.

Why? Is it because of a conscious choice, waiting for something to be better, more complete, or is it simply that no one knows what to do to get the word out, or…what is it?

There is big difference between news, information, awareness, etc, and company released PRs. Company released PRs are the least believable, the most expensive and unwieldy, and the least effective way to spread public awareness.

How could those recent PRs possibly have raised share price? Who would have read them or known anything about them, except the microscopic number of people who might already know something about MZEI?

Contrary to what has been said here, and is certainly reasonable, I think that widespread public awareness and belief is what will raise share price. And widespread public awareness and belief can be created right now, before anything new whatsoever happens. Commercial contracts etc. are of course necessary to move the business forward, and of course we all want MZEI to be a real business and deliver the much needed “goods” to humanity. Creating widespread public awareness NOW, does not preclude that, nor would it mean that MZEI is then an empty shell. And, again, it seems that it would only help the forward movement of the business.

Please understand, I am not intending criticism toward you, or anyone involved, especially Ed Marshall. As a shareholder since 1987, who has lost many friends and created untold family separation due to my involvement with MZEI, I am very grateful for all that has been done and is being done.

TIA, Harp


12/09/10 9:27 PM

#15983 RE: waterdog451 #15952

WD - What could stop us is competition. I know everyone preaches patience but with $60billion spent annually on pharmaceutical/biotechnology R&D in the US alone, isn't it possible there is someone out there also developing a solution to this problem that you are't aware of? My experience is that there is no such thing as absolutely, until it actually happens

>> There is absolutely nothing that can hinder this; nothing that can >>derail this; and absolutely NOTHING that can stop it.


12/14/10 3:13 AM

#16071 RE: waterdog451 #15952

WD, can you elaborate on your final sentences?

"Very, very soon, the PR’s will flow like warm honey - not from within MZEI but from every corner of the world. There is absolutely nothing that can hinder this; nothing that can derail this; and absolutely NOTHING that can stop it. The “setbacks” are all behind us now. It’s no longer a matter of time, but a matter of fact." (WD, 15952)

"..but from every corner of the world", "absolutely NOTHING that can stop it" "no longer a matter of time, but a matter of fact".

WD, you are very bright and you seem truly benevolent towards your fellow shareholders...but aren't some of these statements excessive? You have set yourself up to either be a great business prophet or a total dud. I hope it's the former. MZEI's past history (Groundell funding promises, etc.) have already been entered on the dud side of the ledger. TIA, Lep.