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12/07/10 3:58 PM

#261595 RE: nursejeff #261593

Nurse- so are you for or against equity- for the record?

Remind me of BR is a way.
Yes Im on your team. Yes we deserve 0.


12/07/10 3:58 PM

#261596 RE: nursejeff #261593

nurse i see u changed your mind again ,i thought you thought it was over ,now your saying it will take time ..thanks brotha ,cause i was gonna sell until i heard your opinion...NOT


12/07/10 4:05 PM

#261606 RE: nursejeff #261593

Nursejeff!! I sure am glad that you showed up!! I was just bout to take my losing lottery tickets and shred them!! So are you saying there is hope??

Blue Wizard

12/07/10 4:16 PM

#261619 RE: nursejeff #261593

Everyone here knows your credibility Jeff. Thank God you're so full of SH*T you don't even notice the doodoo coming out of your pea size brain.


12/07/10 5:17 PM

#261666 RE: nursejeff #261593


This case has been emotionally draining (and financially at times) for all of us over the past 2+ years. Sometimes we're optimistic about the final outcome and sometimes we're pessimistic. That's human nature and that's the nature of this case. No disrespect so don't take this the wrong way but it seems this case is eating you up alive. Probably be best to sell if you haven't done so and move on. I believe this case should have been done by now with a favorable outcome for equity but that just goes to show you what type of people we're up against. Never forget, the love of money is the root of all evil. These jokers know there's money for us but they want it all to themselves and will do whatever it takes to keep it all.
Personally, I'll never sell one single share until this case is officially over. I've been waiting for about 27 months now so I guess I'll just keep on waiting.