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03/16/05 8:30 AM

#33687 RE: dilleet #33672

dileet - You're a class act.

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03/16/05 8:53 AM

#33688 RE: dilleet #33672

OT dilleet last election hating Bush

I didn't ever hate Bush, I just disagree with him on lots of stuff. Is there a possibility that foreign policy could turn out well? Of course there is - but it will have be near a perfect storm in the Middle East from my perspective for it to be other than an overall negative over the next 10 years.

I think his fiscal policies have long-lasting and negative effects on the US. While Warren Buffet said he was using hyperbole when he said it, the comment he made about turning the US into a nation of sharecroppers was in the right direction. The rest of the world is going to end up owning the US. The only strong countervailing force, which feeds into the fiscal issues, that I see is the US military.

I've been in big debt before. I feel much more in control of my life, of my affairs now than I did then. The US is in big debt, heading toward much larger debt. I think the 'starve the beast' school of controlling the govt is irresponsible. It is disingenious to create - through your policy choices - massive deficits and then holler about the cost of entitlements and attack the program most responsible for providing US senior citizens with some minimum level of financial dignity as the problem. The core problem has been and continues to be the fiscal policies of the past 3 Republican administrations.

Here is some homework (not for you dilleet, for others..) Go look up the amount of debt that was accrued under Reagan, Bush 1 and Bush 2. Calculate what proportion of the total national debt that accounts for. Then look at the interest costs of servicing that debt. Then calculate the cost of each 1% increase in interest rates on servicing that debt.

Then come back and tell us about how the fiscal policies of those administrations have saved this country's economy.

It will be a Laffer that Kemps us laughing for awhile.

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I Love Apple

03/16/05 10:35 AM

#33695 RE: dilleet #33672

"They may be accidentally changing the world, their ability to plan doesn't seem to have been one of their strong points"

Accidentally??????????????, so mush for “I will give credit where credit is due”.

Bush’s whole plan is to, and has been stated as such from the beginning, to transform the Middle East by establishing democracy. You have either been hiding under a rock, or censored yourself to flaming liberal news outlets that do nothing but present everything in a cloud of despair, doom, and failure, which is their agenda, anything to downplay and criticize Bush. While all along out there in reality, Bush is "changing" the world to a place of democracy which leads to lasting peace and freedom. Of course that takes time and bloodshed. As long as evil exist freedom requires bloodshed, because evil isn't going to just give up. If you doubt that, you need to go study American history. I know most people don't know America's history due to the liberals’ agenda of censorship with today schools history books, but there was plenty of blood shed is creating this great nation.

You liberals just can't stand the fact that Bush is right, and unlike the democrats, he actually has the guts, courage, determination, and steadfastness in the face of constant unfounded liberal attack, to do something. To actually do what is right and lead this nation instead of just sitting around talking about giving poor people free money. To this day, the democrats in their self-centered power hungry greed would rather undermine Bush’s efforts in the Middle-East at the expense of peace for the entire world, then to admit he was and is right and help him change the world. All because they just can not entertain the idea it’s republican who was leading the transformation the world. They would rather have peace fail for the world, then support a Republican. That is the reality of democrats of today. And it should surprise know one it’s is Ted Kennedy leading it all.

Now, concerning domestic issues, especially the economy. I, as a fiscal conservative, do NOT approve of how Bush is dealing with our economy. I would rather see a *temporary* tax increase to pay for the war, which I support 110%. Why not sell war bonds like they did during WWII? Those two things alone could probably pay for the war, or at least a huge portion of it.

Concerning Social Security, I support his reform. I want control of my own money. I don't trust the government in the least. I worked hard for that money, which they had no Constitutional right to take in the first place, just another stupid unconstitutional democrat idea.