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12/07/10 9:15 AM

#321499 RE: janice shell #321490

It's all Tylers fault, or the Bush Crime Family. lol

The court transcript will probably have the DOJ attorney simply replying about Krazy Al's claim that the DTCC is the one controlling the trust, or something to that effect. No different than the last hearing, imo. I'm betting he NEVER said the actual words, " your honor, we have verified the existence of the private trust".

Remember when the Xers first reported back about the last hearing? Completely different account than what was actually on the illegal recording of the hearing.

by wolfbela

AG Action-Individual
« Thread Started Today at 7:44am »

The AG action is mailing today as per Mike's notification post here, as we have not been given official notification of payment, nor been notified by any party not to proceed.

I have included here a link below to download with all the files and instructions to mail to your individual offices. This is for people that have no state coordinator, or even if you missed the deadline, you could participate.

These files are generic and do not include individual laws and statutes that may have been violated in our eyes, yet give you a chance to forward your complaints to your officials.

I had planned to attend the hearing as I had purchased my tickets, hotel and car, but things became more complicated at home here, so I was forced to cancel. In hindsight, I am glad I did, as still nothing has been made clear to me.

I would have asked these questions to be answered.

1. Where is the trust.. I am assuming it is with the DTCC as we received a blip yesterday that supposedly even the SEC lawyer said the trust was with a private entity.
So that would mean the government is not the holdup anymore, I would assume.

2. Who is the trustee.. beginning to doubt there even is one..

3. Why isn't it released, or being released as part of a supposed negotiated dismissal here..

My biggest question is why doesn't OUR COMPANY file for a court order and have our money released immediately. I am sending a fax to Frizzell's office right now and demanding to know why the company isn't in court today requesting release of these funds to the shareholders.

These are the questions I wish those who attended who have gotten the answers for, and if you did, please post them for us.

Below are also the two websites which list the respected state offices for the shareholders to mail to. They are also listed on your instructions.

Good Luck.

Jerry WolfBela

Re: AG Action-Individual
« Reply #2 Today at 8:05am »


I will let you know if I hear anything.

Jerry WB

December 7, 2010
Bill Frizzell
Frizzell Law Firm
602 South Broadway
Tyler, TX 75701

Mr. Frizzell,

It was indicated in the court hearing yesterday in the Bivens lawsuit action, anchored by Mr. Hodges, that a trust exists with a private entity, presumably the DTCC. This was supposedly also stated by the SEC representative lawyer in the case.

If this is true, why isn't the CMKX corporate office filing a action in federal court to have our trust fund(s) released immediately, since the government has indicated they are not holding up this process. It would seem to me that this should be the proper and prudent procedure on behalf of the shareholders as legal counsel for the company.

If we shareholders, who have really had enough of all of this, do not get action or an answer of substance, we shall seek our own representation very quickly to pursue this action on our own.


CMKM Diamonds Shareholder