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12/06/10 11:48 PM

#321486 RE: dia duit #321485

I wonder which queen? My understanding is that there are a number of queens in England. Especially in downtown London. OOps! My bad, I see you meant the Queen Mum. lol
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janice shell

12/06/10 11:54 PM

#321488 RE: dia duit #321485

Alert: This is a G rated room intended for a General Audience including minors. Offensive language is not permitted.
Alert: cmkx_1956, welcome to the room mels open house.
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coachjack12: Hi Allan
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hundredtoone: The $$$ will be paid out to the HOLDER of the BONA FIDE CERTED SHARES...even if it changed ownership IMO...
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SoDoMoJoWoJo: Don't buy a rolex or gold from a street vendor in Pattaya Beach Thailand. You never know what you'll get
morris08: Yep Deli shares are no different than the shares I bought in 2003 and gave to relatives.
lorettalyn4554: dennis smith told me that the bs about not having certs was bs he said they never said you had to have your certs to get paid out fully
starbase7: Don I heard you hugged Hodges today in the Elevator
bouttime3: I agree Hto 1
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SoDoMoJoWoJo: Don your da Man
gmls66: I agree with you but think that at the end of the day...they will all be the same...
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unshareholder: good evenng all
paintme: If the ta transfers the cert, then the ta should be responsible if they are not good. IMO>
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very_tired15: g'evening
riskybuss: hello VT
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factsonly: GE VT
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ksp11: helo
unshareholder: hello very tired
starbase7: hey Very Tired
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PJRace1B: GE VT..How ya feeling this fine evening?
lorettalyn4554: very tired you sober hehehehhehehee
TetraDragon: ge VT
unshareholder: allan would you share with us your thought on todays happenings?
starbase7: how goes it in the legal dept?
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very_tired15: today's hap0penings?
very_tired15: happenings
unshareholder: court
starbase7: comment
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lorettalyn4554: bet verytired is happy hippy happy
dan4LE: When and how much...kidding.
very_tired15: what would you like to know?>
ksp11: VT do you know anything about how the military fits into this?
starbase7: what your opinions are
PJRace1B: When and how much lol
musicman777: Well, there the Treffmobile....howdy
garey_2: when do we get paid
Waylon: when & how much
dopplerdan: hey hundred.....what penalty are you talking about......
unshareholder: how do you view ruling ?
hundredtoone: GE VT...
narrowway2001: They paid on Deli shares 5 yrs. ago , you can't unpay it ---somebody gets the $----whoever has the cert
oscart01: got booted.... is there sound?
very_tired15: I personally do not kknow how the military fits in.. what I was told is that they control the final disbursement.
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SoDoMoJoWoJo: VT wheres the money DTCC or trustee?
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ksp11: so strange
hundredtoone: Right Narroway IMO...
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very_tired15: when? I don't know. how much'? I don't know..
unshareholder: allan do you see disbursement soon?
mrcoop: are deli's shares okay?
very_tired15: I see disbursement happening very soon... no reason to hold it up anymore..
oscart01: very tired...... who said the military controls disbursement?
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very_tired15: I believe today was the last page to be written in the public book of cmkx..
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sdtraderunner: VT when do you think AH will talk?
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unshareholder: so do you believe thatthe dismissal was intwended to end this way for future purposes?
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garey_2: no.... the last page will be when we are pID
angel eyes_134: hey lotta
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garey_2: PAID
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Waylon: 'Allan, Did you get to talk privately to Hodges today ???
very_tired15: I have neither heard nor seen anything of a credible nature to make me believe that Deli's shares are not just as good as anyone else's/
LottaTrouble: hey angel
SoDoMoJoWoJo: Allan wheres the money DTCC or trustee? or are they one in the same?
LUCY_N_DA_SKY1: you think Staub was admitting there was a trust..or was he just referencing als assertion that the DTCC held our money?
very_tired15: I did not talk provately to AL today
ksp11: what was the purpose of the suit, its dismissed , no more threat, ??
mrcoop: thank you v_t
oscart01: I don't understand how the military will disburse funds? Seems quite odd to me
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very_tired15: Staub did mention that the trust was in private hands
unshareholder: do you believe that al will hav to file appreal?
unshareholder: Staub?
af_vet: The/our trust or a trust?
very_tired15: when AH will talk is a mystery to me.. I would imagine within the next couple days
starbase7: So they admitted a trust
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very_tired15: I believe the money is with a private trustee
starbase7: in open court
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pebbles08: Oscar .. Oliver North is going to send you a letter J/K
very_tired15: kspo, that is a loaded quesstion
hundredtoone: Our money was collected in some cases from terrorist organizations and Hedge Funds that launder money...I'm sure the military was involved from the beginning...doesn't surprise me they are involved...IMO...
lorettalyn4554: treff hows the grand marnier tasting blessing my plaintiff
ksp11: didnt mean for it to be
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oscart01: VT.... why do you think the military are involved with payments?
very_tired15: oscar, I do not know for certain, but it makes sense int he fact that neither political party can be trusted
coachjack12: Allan do you now think w/ certainty that there is a trust and or multiple trusts
ksp11: just dont understand whats going on
very_tired15: theey admitted to the existence of a trust in open court
lorettalyn4554: our military has been involved in drugs so who cares
SoDoMoJoWoJo: Is not a trustee supposed to be an individual devoid of any company private or public?
LUCY_N_DA_SKY1: cool
flips_2: Allen, Ask AH if he would bet me A MILLION DOLLARS about the payment before christmas?? And see if he will take that bet..LOL
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unshareholder: did they mention name of trust?
oscart01: I can understand their involvement in the sting, just not the payout. But, of course, I know nothing
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insider5454: very nice tired, ty
bouttime3: IF the trust is with a private trustee why would the military have anything to do with it ?
starbase7: very_tired15: they admitted to the existence of a trust in open court
very_tired15: no Grand Marinier for me... too rich for my tastes.. I had a NewCastle
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word2u: Allen, do you think there will be more than one payout?
starbase7: brown ale
very_tired15: coachy, I believe that there is one. maybe more than one trust
starbase7: good choice
lorettalyn4554: newcastle must be bobholleneggs favporite hehehhehehe
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oscart01: Allan, can you tell us something we would never think to ask? Any surprises?
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very_tired15: a trustee is a private entity.. in many cases.. it can be a corporation, but thaqt is still private, versus public being the governmenty
insider5454: tired your gut feeing on first pay out , how much?
coachjack12: Allan are you now in the small pymnt 1st camp?
starbase7: well to admit in open federal court the trust, it's kind of a slam dunk from here on out.
very_tired15: the military is involved in global settlements.. and if we are attached to those trusts being released, then in a sense, they control when we get our monewy
ksp11: like the DTCC
very_tired15: from what I gather from AH, there willbe onepayourt.. but anything can change'
insider5454: ok ty
very_tired15: no trust name mentioned
oscart01: yes, ksp.... or some think Oshins
pebbles08: VT do you believe the private trust is the DTTC that Hodges previously alluded to?
very_tired15: flips, I don't think he will bite
starbase7: doj also has private trusts
ksp11: "Global settlement', as in all conclusive and final
oscart01: ours, starbase?
starbase7: don't know for sure
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flips_2: Allan, he can't put his money where his mouth is??
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starbase7: But I know they do have private trusts
hundredtoone: Probable ONE TRUST for OLD CERTS collected during the CERT Trust for recent CERTS and unshareholders that could include some of Deli shares...IMO ...and one for ASSETS...
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SoDoMoJoWoJo: DTCC doesn't sound like a trustee maybe a privatye corporation. They're all crooks associate with banks most of which were bailed out in the last $3.3trillion FED Loan program
lorettalyn4554: al hodges is under non disclosur agreement
ksp11: "Global Settlement " not refering to planet earth
very_tired15: something you would never ask? hmmm.. Al gave an interesting speech about the nature of the court's power of reviewing the actions of government, citing Marbury vs. Madison - a classic case.. // the judge watned everyone not to record the hearing and made everyone turn over their cell phones
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very_tired15: gut feeling? I go on what AH told me.. look at the complaint and figure it out.. that leaves me with over $6
starbase7: yea, they had to go to the fed to get 3.3 trillion bucks because they had to pay our trust all they had. We broke em.
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insider5454: interesting ty
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pebbles08: VT do you believe the private trust is the DTTC that Hodges previously alluded to?
hundredtoone: I'm guessing $1.54...
very_tired15: small 1st payment? I believe that ther could be a small disbursement from the SEC from the fair funds.. along with our pacvkets.. but I am not certain
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very_tired15: I do not believe it is still in the DTCC
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starbase7: trustee's hands?
coachjack12: Tom Brady is a freakin surgeon
starbase7: now
very_tired15: flips, I am not going to bet him.. perhaops you might want to make the offer
pebbles08: VT so you believe it has been moved around?
stringbean_7: acca allured to a first small payment
Chas5678: well we need to be paid now that the bivens has been dismissed , as we have given immunity to the SEC and any appeal to the 9th circuit will take many many months
SoDoMoJoWoJo: Those packets are BS Tyler's way of scamming us out of our probable 2 payments.
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flips_2: Allan, ask him for me, tell him I will take that bet if he will
starbase7: Acca is Tommy the pinball wizard
umademerich: very..I will bet him 1.00
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buck 56: guessing amounts is like trying to pick lotto numbers....
hundredtoone: The TRUST could be held by the DTCC but the TRUSTEES could be anyone IMO...
very_tired15: I will flips
snowyblizzard: tom brady is tha man
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SoDoMoJoWoJo: I like that scenario 100-1
umademerich: az cards are the best!!!
oscart01: Flips, you might want to ask him yourself. VT is going to get tired of the question
af_vet: I thought Bholl said we already had possession of the trust money, was just waiting for AH to get permission to announce it and make dispersal..........
pebbles08: 100 then why did Hodges state that to the judge about the DTTC having a trust for CMKX shareholders?
oscart01: no offense
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umademerich: some days
umademerich: we will work it out
Waylon: I dont see this ending soon because Al is noncommittall on any date
SoDoMoJoWoJo: Money with the DTCC and them as trustees just doesn't sit well with me at all
snowyblizzard: they lost boldin....and that hurt....
PJ1_10: (10:30 PM) very_tired15: I personally do not kknow how the military fits in.. what I was told is that they control the final disbursement. // was told the same
snowyblizzard: I lived in phoenix for 3 yrs.....just up to last year
Booger-Brains-CMKX: Alan in your opinion was Staub simply reiterating Hodges statement from the Sept Hearing that the Trust is held with a private entity or did he state it as a fact?
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ksp11: Allen do you know what the "Global Settlements " is about, besides us?
starbase7: very_tired15: theey admitted to the existence of a trust in open court
hundredtoone: The TRUST could RESIDE at the DTCC...but the TRUSTEES could be anyone and they may have had to satisfy certain stipulations before the TRUSTEES were given PERMISSION to DISPERSE IMO...
snowyblizzard: td pats
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snowyblizzard: wow...they are blowin the jets out!
SoDoMoJoWoJo: The military will be escorting you home after picking up your payment
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very_tired15: In my opinion, the context of Staub speaking is that there was a trust in private context, not int he control of the sec
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very_tired15: it could be the DTCC.. the DTCC is a priave company
very_tired15: private
oscart01: yes, first thing I thought of
starbase7: could be anyone
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PJRace1B: Thought per BH the Trustee already has the money?
starbase7: Just get this done
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vcalv1977: VT were you there today in court?
very_tired15: brb