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was Steve

11/07/02 11:12 AM

#42993 RE: XenaLives #42900

Well if it happened last week the markets would have rallied.

Strange thought: What would be the market reaction to AG's death?

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Lane Hall-Witt

11/07/02 11:41 AM

#43024 RE: XenaLives #42900

Strange thought: What would be the market reaction to AG's death?

Fun question. Well, if he died this weekend, I think the market would sell hard for a couple of hours while Bill McDonough figured out how to hack into Greenspan's E*Trade account and begin buying stocks again. Then, after the funeral, the analysts, money runners, and other assorted talking-head scam artists would start laying into Greenspan like you wouldn't believe: calling him Dr. Bubblehead and heaping the blame on him for all our woes. Andrea Mitchell would be run out of Washington. Our very own "federal reserves" from the Zeev's Turnips thread would become an instant cult hero with his blistering attacks on America's new favorite punching bag: speaking tours, groupies, black-tie evenings at the Oscars and the MTV Music Awards with J Lo and Britney, a column on, guest appearances on Kudlow & Cramer. (Do you think he'd remember his old friends back at the Turnip Patch?) It would be the mother of all rallies. <G>