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11/29/10 7:27 AM

#256943 RE: ilenes #256941

now we're getting somewhere. this has been my underlying train of thought since day one, or whatever day all the letter writing discussions began.

and, to quote Big Bang.......... " how could she sleep at night" ????????????

Letters from individuals or groups will likely not decide the case, but they might help build momentum in one direction, or be the nagging voice the judge hears in the dark recesses of her mind.

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Mr Moods

11/29/10 10:23 AM

#256975 RE: ilenes #256941

Hey Ilenes,
Very nice to see you back...and my personal thanks to you for your recon in the court room. It is much appreciated.

Re your quote:"the nagging voice the judge hears in the dark recesses of her mind."

THIS I think is key. IF THJMFW is operating on 'BK autopilot' so to speak, and following is only when things are brought out in the open (letters, protests, court appearances) that the 'blind eye' of justice may open a bit, to see the light. A judge is merely a 'vessel' to be filled with facts and rhetoric, to make a decision based on who feeds them the best. In my last post, i referred to the 'wrongly convicted' folks whose lives were adversely affected due to the fact that they had no voice, no recourse, other than a public defender in most cases. Quite simply...they were "outlawyered".

We are fortunate in that we DO have very POWERFUL and great Legal Team on our side.

I have hope, simply because there is so much light and attention being shone on this case, finally.

RE: WIKILEAKS they are very important in this day and age, we should be thankful for them and the fact that they (he?) risk life and freedom to release leaked documents to expose the truth.
I'm all for transparency...maybe they CAN help us somehow to expose the truth.

Again, I think we'll prevail in the end.
I hold all 3 classes.


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11/29/10 10:29 AM

#256978 RE: ilenes #256941

The more who write to the court forces those individuals to sit up and take notice that there are public consequences to their actions.
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11/29/10 10:51 AM

#256983 RE: ilenes #256941

ilene agree 1000% that day back in the spring w/ the objections from us let everyone in the court know we had our eyes on this even the judge made comments to rosen about the large # of our objections,we need to do this again and again
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11/29/10 12:07 PM

#257023 RE: ilenes #256941

I agree Thanks Ilenes. Very well versed.
