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03/10/05 5:03 PM

#7322 RE: cabvineyard #7321

I love the part in the article about "putting up towers and running cables" just sounds so 20th century. Kinda like a 100 years ago saying, "Why...what do we need cars for...when horses are a dime a dozen"?
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03/11/05 12:27 AM

#7336 RE: cabvineyard #7321

Cabvineyard and Rocky. Please comment.

Yes I realized that but I was surprised that nobody has mentioned that Strat will be connected to WiMAX. Up to this article in my mind WiMAX was competition to STRATS. With INTEL being leader in WiMAX and their presence at GTEL summit and this article I linked it together.

GTEL nor Sanswire ever mentioned that WiMAX would be used among with STRAT. I thought WiMAX was competition to Strats. In my opinion this would be awesome big news because we need INTEL on board and not to compete with them. INTEL contract would be significant for GTEL reputation and recognition. IMO SP would increased dramatically do to just that alone.

The one thing I’m unsure off is whether this is the interpretation of editor of this article or perhaps he new little more then we did and shared with public. If it is just his interpretation then it could be worth nothing.

The technology they chose is for 30days plus airtime vs. the one posted below, which is years without refueling.
HOW ARE THEY PLANNING TO ACHIEVE 12-18 MOTHS FLIGHT TIME with such a poor performance where they could have chosen the other company.


“Iowa Thin Film Technologies has proposed to Lockheed Martin the use of PowerFilm® as the conformal solar panels required by the High Altitude Airship to generate energy for its 30-day or longer missions without landing.”


“Conventional airships have to be refueled every six hours, but if airships can get power from solar cells during the daytime and from fuel cells at night, they may be able to stay in midair for years without being refueled.”

BIG DIFFERENCE DON'T YOU AGREE. I sent an email to Mr. Leigh with this second company's linke few days ago, however I did not get any response but i figured I as an investor will try to point to new better things if they are unaware off. It could after all cut cost down the road especially that production is not up and running yet. They can always change the suplier. No offence but who builds best cars and electonics in the world.......JAPAN.