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11/20/10 8:16 AM

#117412 RE: rbl100 #117409

Dude Turns Taxidermied Goat Into Bagpipes and It's Super-Normal [via/headline and pic from ]


11/20/10 2:30 PM

#117420 RE: rbl100 #117409

rbl100... we are losing our freedom
gradually every day. It's going to stop and be reversed. IMO

Alex G

11/24/10 1:51 PM

#117856 RE: rbl100 #117409

Get a Free Turkey By Accepting Christ as Your Personal Savior This November!


This Sounds Too Good to be True!

This offer has no strings attached other than the strings that hogtie the mouthwatering, steroid-engorged legs of this wonderful gift! We can't make it any easier for you to get a free Thanksgiving turkey! Just accept Jesus into your heart and demonstrate your sincerity by sending us a financial pledge to Christ in the form of a cashier's check in the amount of $500 or more! It's that simple!

Shout Glory! As soon as your check clears, we will send you a delicious genital- free almost-frozen turkey of a weight commensurate with your pledge amount. Yes! There are even more gifts on the way!

Open your purses and wallets and celebrate your new life in Christ! Now that you are a True Christian™, you can give unto the Lord and never have to worry a single bit about money anymore! God will return everything you give a hundred fold based on the measurement of your faith! And that's a deal!

LEGAL NOTICE: Landover Baptist Church will not be held liable for monetary losses based on Celestial Faith to Finance Algorithms. We can only promise that the mechanism for the algorithms was created in Heaven and requires an enormous amount of faith.


11/30/10 4:54 PM

#118610 RE: rbl100 #117409

I have an idea. How ‘bout Catholics and Christians refuse to help anyone who they determine undermines Christianity. For example, let’s see who comes to help when one has a demonic possession in their house or in one of their loved ones. Eh?
Questions should be asked of the callers. If found to be liberals or any Christian basher, then they should be refused service! I would love to see THEIR face when they need a Roman Catholic exorcism, deliverance or blessing and THEY call out and get a refusal from a church official saying "why should we help you now when you have hurt the church, the PEOPLE and America for so many decades"! LOL Then we'll see how fast people put GOD back into their lives and government.

Funny how people always run to Christians and especially Catholics for HELP when Satan comes to call huh? You don’t see anyone calling Allah or an islamist do you! But yet Hollywood, the public-schools, government and the elite bash Christians like there’s no tomorrow.
You pathetic little minds! The truth too tough for ya!?

Only two ways in life - GOOD or EVIL, JESUS or SATAN. Your choice!