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11/09/10 9:47 AM

#17616 RE: snowgator69 #17615

Don't know if any one seen this if posted my apologies...

IDOI hits the pages of USA Today!

Trade Alert: IDO Security (IDOI)

Thwarted Yemeni Terrorist Attack Puts IDOI Shares in Sharp Focus!

Good Morning Hideout Trader

IDO Security, Inc. (IDOI) develops and sells security screeners to the homeland security and loss prevention markets. Its products are designed to detect ferrous and non-ferrous metallic objects.

And as the bombs recently discovered on cargo jets flying out of Yemen illustrate, the demand for bomb-sniffing equipment is at an all-time high. And that plays right into IDOI's hands!

IDOI's main product is a ground-level metal detector that doesn't require passengers to remove their shoes – allowing for faster processing at the security check-in lines.

And as it turns out...the Transportation Security Agency (TSA) is actively looking for a no-shoe-removal system!

There's even a line in the TSA's 2011 budget to buy 100 screeners just like IDOI's in the coming year! Notice too, how they mention IDOI by name! (Source: USA Today)

According to the company's Brazilian distributor, MagShoe, metal detectors are already deployed in 20+ high-security locations in Israel, China, Spain Hong Kong and about 20 other countries! (Read the full list here)

IDOI Technical Highlights

Stochastics look solid, still a touch oversold – but momentum is building!

Resistance is off the chart, now that IDOI has conquered both the 50 mda and the 200 mda!

Right now...IDOI is on the verge of re-testing its $0.0018 level, after which there's no near-term resistance left in sight! Even an "inconclusive" test may still leave the stock trading in a rich $0.0010 to $0.0018 channel with a possible "breakout" at $.0022 ahead.

Check out this WEEKLY chart also showing a MAJOR breakout at $.002 ahead with $.0032 in sight

IDOI Trend Highlights

IDOI is on an extended upswing that has already taken the stock up 350% from its July low of $0.0004 a share! That's an average compound monthly gain of 65%!

MACD is on the edge of popping above the signal line!

Accumulation, accordingly, is going through the roof!

Volume is coming in strong on the up days and tapers off to a trickle on the down days. Since October 1, only 7% of all turnover has come on the days when IDOI closed lower – while the really big volume spikes have come on the rallies!

Bottom Line:

With the trend continuing to point upward, traders could still reap big rewards if they jump on the IDOI now!

IDOI is a "story stock" keyed to the homeland security situation, and could easily outperform if there's any uptick in the threat level. Look at the stock's recent 350% gain as proof!

Beyond ever present security related news, IDOI's technical indicators are also bullish – suggesting that IDOI's current rally may continue for quite some time!

Immediate action to take: Load IDOI on YOUR security screen RIGHT NOW – then come into our chat room and watch as we break IDOI down live throughout the trading day.

~Stock Analyzer