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11/07/10 11:33 PM

#201019 RE: lugan #201018


I know that, but I'd like to here from SKS tomorrow that the language in the draft of HSPD - 12 revised SPECIFICALLY INCLUDES HARDWARE authentication as a recommendation. (If it is a requirement, of course, all the better.) I've been following this for too long not to know that anything not required is usually not done, while anything recommended is done by a few at first.

These directives that are more like the 10 Suggestions than the 10 commandments do not particularly excite me until I see them on the bottom line. Could be the Directive gets monetized, could be like last time when we didn't even get into the CHESS game. We are still waiting for those "mandatory" SEDs in the army machines. IF this leads to THAT it will be a tipping point. If it does not, its not even the tip of the glacier.

Let's see what the final document requires, ignores, or recommends.
If somebody gets on the CC, they might ask him to comment on his hopes and expectations from the presidential directive. I suspect he's aware of the language debate.